Pave Benedikts fredsbudskap for 2008

Pavens fredsbudskap er nokså nylig blitt offentliggjort (uten at jeg har sett det nevnt på, og kan i sin helhet leses her.

John Allen skriver om dette i en artikkel i the New York Times i dag, knytter det til pavens besøk i USA i april neste år og sier bl.a.:
POPE BENEDICT XVI has offered a couple of recent previews of what’s likely to be his core message to the United Nations next April, the projected highlight of his first visit to the United States. Last Tuesday, the pontiff released the text of his annual statement for the Vatican’s World Day of Peace, raising typical papal concerns like poverty and disarmament, but also a defense of the family based on heterosexual marriage and, in the section reflecting Benedict’s budding environmentalism, a reminder of human supremacy over the animal kingdom.

Ten days earlier in Rome, Pope Benedict offered a more targeted message in a meeting with Catholic nongovernmental groups that work with the United Nations, delivering a stern warning against the “bitter fruits” of “relativistic logic” and a “refusal to admit the truth about man and his dignity.” Given the titanic battles the Vatican has waged against certain United Nations agencies over abortion and birth control, his comments were quickly spun by the Italian press as a major papal “attack” ahead of next year’s General Assembly address.

Father Z. skriver om dette på sin blog og er delvis enig med Allens analyse – les mer om det her.

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