Pius XII’s encyklika “Mediator Dei” – Om den hellige liturgi

På vår ferietur til Tunisia nylig hadde jeg også med meg interessant teologisk litteratur, bl.a. Pius XII’s encyklika «Mediator Dei», promulgert 20. november 1947. Dokumentet åpner på denne kraftfulle måten:

1. Mediator between God and men and High Priest who has gone before us into heaven, Jesus the Son of God quite clearly had one aim in view when He undertook the mission of mercy which was to endow mankind with the rich blessings of supernatural grace. Sin had disturbed the right relationship between man and his Creator; the Son of God would restore it. The children of Adam were wretched heirs to the infection of original sin; He would bring them back to their heavenly Father, the primal source and final destiny of all things. For this reason He was not content, while He dwelt with us on earth, merely to give notice that redemption had begun, and to proclaim the long-awaited Kingdom of God, but gave Himself besides in prayer and sacrifice to the task of saving souls, even to the point of offering Himself, as He hung from the cross, a Victim unspotted unto God, to purify our conscience of dead works, to serve the living God.

Encyklikaen er på over 200 avsnitt, og jeg kan ikke nevne alt her. Men jeg vil likevel ta fram tre punkter som jeg la spesielt merke til.

1 – Om messen som et offer først og fremst – måltidsaspektet må ikke skygge for denne hovedsaken:

62. … it is a wise and most laudable thing to return in spirit and affection to the sources of the sacred liturgy. For research in this field of study, by tracing it back to its origins, contributes valuable assistance towards a more thorough and careful investigation of the significance of feast-days, and of the meaning of the texts and sacred ceremonies employed on their occasion. But it is neither wise nor laudable to reduce everything to antiquity by every possible device. Thus, to cite some instances, one would be straying from the straight path were he to wish the altar restored to its primitive tableform; were he to want black excluded as a color for the liturgical vestments; were he to forbid the use of sacred images and statues in Churches; were he to order the crucifix so designed that the divine Redeemer’s body shows no trace of His cruel sufferings …

68. The august sacrifice of the altar, then, is no mere empty commemoration of the passion and death of Jesus Christ, but a true and proper act of sacrifice, whereby the High Priest by an unbloody immolation offers Himself a most acceptable victim to the Eternal Father, as He did upon the cross. «It is one and the same victim; the same person now offers it by the ministry of His priests, who then offered Himself on the cross, the manner of offering alone being different.»

80. It is, therefore, desirable, Venerable Brethren, that all the faithful should be aware that to participate in the eucharistic sacrifice is their chief duty and supreme dignity, and that not in an inert and negligent fashion, …

2 – Om folkets aktive deltakelse:

105. They are to be praised who, with the idea of getting the Christian people to take part more easily and more fruitfully in the Mass, strive to make them familiar with the «Roman Missal,» so that the faithful, united with the priest, may pray together in the very words and sentiments of the Church. They also are to be commended who strive to make the liturgy even in an external way a sacred act in which all who are present may share. This can be done in more than one way, when, for instance, the whole congregation, in accordance with the rules of the liturgy, either answer the priest in an orderly and fitting manner, or sing hymns suitable to the different parts of the Mass, or do both, or finally in high Masses when they answer the prayers of the minister of Jesus Christ and also sing the liturgical chant.

106. These methods of participation in the Mass are to be approved and recommended when they are in complete agreement with the precepts of the Church and the rubrics of the liturgy. Their chief aim is to foster and promote the people’s piety and intimate union with Christ and His visible minister and to arouse those internal sentiments and dispositions which should make our hearts become like to that of the High Priest of the New Testament. …(but) a «dialogue» Mass of this kind cannot replace the high Mass, which, as a matter of fact, though it should be offered with only the sacred ministers present, possesses its own special dignity due to the impressive character of its ritual and the magnificence of its ceremonies. The splendor and grandeur of a high Mass, however, are very much increased if, as the Church desires, the people are present in great numbers and with devotion.

3- Om hyppig kommunion:

121. Now it is very fitting, as the liturgy otherwise lays down, that the people receive holy communion after the priest has partaken of the divine repast upon the altar; and, as we have written above, they should be commended who, when present at Mass, receive hosts consecrated at the same Mass, so that it is actually verified, «that as many of us, as, at this altar, shall partake of and receive the most holy body and blood of thy Son, may be filled with every heavenly blessing and grace.»

127. Let us all enter into closest union with Christ and strive to lose ourselves, as it were, in His most holy soul and so be united to Him that we may have a share in those acts with which He adores the Blessed Trinity with a homage that is most acceptable, and by which He offers to the eternal Father supreme praise and thanks which find an harmonious echo throughout the heavens and the earth. …

7 hendelser på “Pius XII’s encyklika “Mediator Dei” – Om den hellige liturgi”

  1. 121. Now it is very fitting, as the liturgy otherwise lays down, that the people receive holy communion after the priest has partaken of the divine repast upon the altar; and, as we have written above, they should be commended who, when present at Mass, receive hosts consecrated at the same Mass, so that it is actually verified, “that as many of us, as, at this altar, shall partake of and receive the most holy body and blood of thy Son, may be filled with every heavenly blessing and grace.”

    -Interessant fra den helgenlike Pius XII…
    Hvordan sees dette i sammenheng med den meget utstrakte bruk av prekonsekrerte hostier som gis de troende? Det er svært sjeldent man mottar hostier som har blitt konsekrert i den messen man deltar i…

  2. Det er et prinsipp som gjelder også i den nye messen, Trond, og et prinsipp jeg alltid har gjennomført. Det er ytterst sjeldent jeg har gitt prekonsekrerte hostier til noen, om hverdagene gjør jeg det aldri. I de store søndagsmessene er det vanlig å ha tre kommunionsutdelere (både her i Stavanger, og da jeg var i Bergen), to ciborier er konsekrerte i messen og ett kommer fra tabernakelet. Da vil altså noen av de troende (av praktiske grunner) motta prekonsekrerte hostier fra tabernakelet, men jeg pleier som hovedcelebrant alleid bruke et ciborium med hostier som er konserkret i messen.

  3. Takk for info, pastor.
    Det var det jeg tenkte..at samme prinsipp egentlig gjelder for Novus Ordo også.
    Men som med så mye annet, er ikke prinsippene særlig overordnede likevel i Novus Ordo.
    Du er nok et unntak fra regelen ved at du i størst mulig grad deler ut nykonsekrerte hostier. Det ser jeg sjeldent i min lokale forsamling.

  4. Kjetil,

    Nei, det gjør den ikke, meg bekjent.
    Om du vil, kan jeg kopiere den utgaven jeg har og sende den.

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