Hvorfor er det så vanskelig å konvertere?

Katolsk prest Dwight Longenecker (tidligere anglikansk, med kone og flere barn) skrev for noen dager siden (på sin ganske aktive blog) en artikkel om hvorfor det er så vanskelig for anglikanske prester å bli katolikker. Mye av problematikken er den samme for lutheranere, og derfor ber jeg dere om å lese å lese det han skriver, og de mange kommentarene – HER. Her er et lite utdrag:

Deep in the roots of Anglicanism there is a Puritan, and therefore Protestant mind set. It is deeply anti-Catholic not only in a biased way, but also in its how world view and perspective of history, culture and the Christian faith.

This is a profound foundation for the Anglican mind, and not one which is shifted very easily. It is also the reason why most Anglicans find Catholicism so alien. It is not because Catholicism is Irish or Polish or Italian, but because it is, well, Catholic. The Protestant philosophical and theological foundation on which Anglicanism is built, and on which most Anglicans based their religion and their world view is deeply inimical to the Catholic world view. That is why those of us who are converts of over ten of fifteen years still admit that in many ways Catholicism still has not got fully into our bloodstream as much as we would like.

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