Flere jødiske røster forsvarer katolikkene mht overgrepsnyhetene

I believe the continuing attacks by the media on the Roman Catholic Church and Pope Benedict XVI have become manifestations of anti-Catholicism. The procession of articles on the same events are, in my opinion, no longer intended to inform, but simply to castigate.

Dette sier New York Citys tidligere, jødiske borgermrester Ed Koch – hans synspunkter ble først publisert i Jerusalem Post, og også referert til på mercatornet.com (som har et helt arsenal av forsvarsartikler).

Til spørsmålet om hvordan disse overgrepene kunne skje såpass ofte for noen år siden, og også bli dysset ned, sier han:
The primary explanation for the abuse that happened – not to excuse the retention of priests in positions that enabled them to continue to harm children – was the belief that the priests could be cured by psychotherapy, a theory now long discarded by the medical profession. Regrettably, it is also likely that years ago the abuse of children was not taken as seriously as today. Thank God we’ve progressed on that issue.

Til spørsmålet om hvorfor han så mener at Kirken angripes så kraftig, svarer han at det er pga de moralske prinsippene den står for (og som han selv ofte ikke er enig i):
The reason, I believe, for the constant assaults is that there are many in the media, and some Catholics as well as many in the public, who object to and are incensed by positions the Church holds, including opposition to all abortions, opposition to gay sex and same-sex marriage, retention of celibacy rules for priests, exclusion of women from the clergy, opposition to birth control measures involving condoms and prescription drugs and opposition to civil divorce. My good friend, John Cardinal O’Connor, once said, «The Church is not a salad bar, from which to pick and choose what pleases you.» The Church has the right to demand fulfillment of all of its religious obligations by its parishioners, and indeed a right to espouse its beliefs generally.

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