Uheldig start på den nye ungdomskatekismen
Kan katolikker bruke prevensjon? Jeg leste 11/4 (HER) følgende om hvordan dette spørsmålet er omtalt i den italienske utgaven av den nye katolske ungdomskatekismen:
CNA and EWTN News reported this morning that question 420 in the Italian, Q&A-format YOUCAT, slated for release on April 13, states:
“Q. Puo una coppia christiana fare ricorso ai metodi anticoncezionali?” (Can a Christian couple have recourse to contraceptive methods?)
“A. Si, una coppia cristiana puo e deve essere responsabile nella sua facolta di poter donare la vita.” (Yes, a Christian couple can and should be responsible in its faculty of being able to give life).
In the English version, however, question 420 reads:
Q. May a Christian married couple regulate the number of children they have?
A. Yes, a Christian married couple may and should be responsible in using the gift and privilege of transmitting life.
Vårt Land skriver nå også om dette. Dette skal nå rettes opp, men et uavklart spørsmål gjenstår; hvordan kunne man gjøre en slik feil? Den tyske grunnversjonen av katekismen var vel tydelig nok, på andre språk er det ikke blitt feil, og enhver oversetter og utgiver måtte vel vite at en katolsk katekisme ikke kunne godta (kunstig) prevensjon?
Den amerikanske forleggen kan heller ikke huske at dette spørsmålet var problematisk i oversettelsesarbeidet:
… told LifeSiteNews that he did not recall any problems with the original German text. He noted that with all translations it is common to have an “editorial back and forth”; however, neither he nor his staff recall such over Question 420.
On the Ignatius Insight blog Brumley wrote: “The problem did not originate with the German text – at least not if the Italian translation is based on the same German text as that on which Ignatius Press based its translation. The German text of question 420 asks whether a Christian married couple may regulate the number of children they have. It does not ask whether the couple may use methods of contraception.”
YOUCAT, intended to be handed out to millions of youth attending World Youth Day in Madrid Spain from August 16-21, includes a foreword from Pope Benedict XVI.