Dr William Tighe avslutter sitt foredrag om Anglicanorum Cætibus (som jeg også nevnte her) med å refere til Skandinavia (Sverige mer enn Norge) for andre gang. Denne gangen dreier det seg om en totalitær kirkekultur som ikke ville tåle noen motstand mot de nye «dogmene» om kvinnelige prester og biskoper, og homoseksuelt samliv. I England er det ikke kommet så langt som i Sverige (og til og med USA ligger litt etter), men utviklinga i denne retning vil sannsynligvis fortsette, og da vil mange flere anglikanere (og lutheranere) kunne søke til Den katolske Kirke.
I England har man lenge vært ganske snille mot de konservative, fordi man i 1992 ikke ville fått gjennomført vedtaket om kvinnelige prester uten en slik generøsitet. Men nå, når man vil begynne med kvinnelige biskoper i England, er man langt mindre snille – og begynner langsomt å nærme seg det som lenge har vært tilfelle i Norge i flere år (jfr. Carissimi). Slik skriver Dr. Tinghe:
… Still, we have to recall what I wrote a the beginning of the last paragraph, “or at least not yet.” It seems pretty certain that woman bishops will come in the Church of England, even if they fail to achieve the requisite two-thirds majority in the final vote on the current legislation in July 2012, and that with minimal and inadequate guarantees to secure the position of opponents; and it seems clear as well that the present leadership of the Church of England lacks both the will and perhaps the desire to bar the way to the acceptance of the same sort of revisionism in sexual ethics and teaching that have prevailed in other provinces of the Anglican Communion. Those English churchmen who wish to make provision for the future while time remains to do so have but to look, not so much to the Episcopal Church here in the United States and other Anglican Communion provinces such as Canada and New Zealand, as to the Scandinavian Lutheran state churches, and especially the Church of Sweden, to see what the future may hold, a kind of liberal “pink” church totalitarianism pushed on from behind by bien-pensant elite public opinion, the media and the so-called “nanny state.” It does not seem certain at all, on the other hand, how the English Ordinariat and other ordinariats yet to be erected, will fare once the initial rocky hurdles, foreseen and unforeseen, have been overcome. In England, as I have already noted above, there has been talk, among Anglicans and former Anglicans alike, of a “second wave” of clergy and people coming into the Church through the Ordinariat, and perhaps there will be several such waves. That will remain our hope, but there are pressing demands and tasks enough to deal with for now.