I dag møtes Troskongregasjonen med biskop Fellay og andre representanter for SSPX, og mange er spente på hva som kommer til å skje. Vatikanet har så langt skrevet om møtet (fra Rorate Cæli):
… This preamble enunciates some of the doctrinal principles and criteria of interpretation of Catholic doctrine necessary for ensuring fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church and to the sentire cum Ecclesia, while leaving open to legitimate discussion the theological study and explanation of particular expressions and formulations present in the texts of the Second Vatican Council and of the Magisterium that followed it.
In the course of the same meeting, some elements were proposed regarding a canonical solution for the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X, which would follow the eventual and hoped-for reconciliation. …
Det springende punkt er vel hva Vatikanet sier man må være enige om, og hvor man åpner for ulike forståelser – men det faktum at man åpner for uenighet på en del ganske viktige områder, er viktig (fra Father Z.):
… «The great novelty comes from the Roman side. Le Figaro has learned that the Holy See could, for the first time, admit that these aspects fought by the “Integrists” are not considered as “essential” to the Catholic faith to the point of keeping outside the Church those who do not admit them. And that what is foundational to the Catholic faith for twenty centuries is the sole [aspect] considered fundamental for communion with the Holy See, and not the interpretation from the last Council to this day.»
All along I have been saying it. All along. People of good will can differ on theological points and still remain in unity. People of good will can attain unity even when they disagree on matters which are by no means clear. The history of the Church’s great Councils underscores this fact. …