Helgener, helligbrøde og oppvigleri

duffy_saints_sacrilege_sedition Slik oversetter Google Translate tittelen på en av de siste bøkene Eamon Duffy har utgitt (i 2014):Saints, Sacrilege and Sedition: Religion and Conflict in the Tudor Reformations. Amazon skriver slik om boka:

In this wide-ranging book, Professor Eamon Duffy explores the broad sweep of the English Reformation, and the ways in which that Reformation has been written about. Tracing the fraught history of religious change in Tudor England, and the retellings of that history to shape a protestant national identity, once again he emphasizes the importance of the study of late medieval religion and material culture for our understanding of this most formative and fascinating of eras.

Getting to grips with the misconceptions, discontinuities and dilemmas which have dogged the history of Tudor religion, he traces the lived experience of Catholicism in an age of upheaval: from what it meant to be a Catholic in early Tudor England; through the nature of militant Catholicism at the height of the conflict; to the after-life of Tudor Catholicism and the ways in which the ‘old religion’ was remembered and spoken about in the England of Shakespeare. Duffy writes at all times with grace, elegance and wit as he questions prejudices and myths about the Reformation, to demonstrate that the truth about the past is never pure nor simple.

Boka er en samling artikler med noe ulikt innhold – alt om reformasjonstida i England. Selv festet jeg meg spesielt med artiklene om biskop (ble utnevnt til kardinal en måned før han ble henrettet) John Fisher (som jeg ikke hadde lest så mye om før, Thomas More er jo best kjent) og (senere) kardinal Reginald Pole – da jeg leste denne boka for et par uker siden. Fisher hadde lenge uttalt seg tydelig mot kong Henrys skilsmisse, mens Pole ikke uttalte seg tydelig (og brøt med kongen) før i 1536.

Bildet på bokas forside (som man finner i the Venerable English College i Roma, som jeg besøker en del mens jeg bor i Roma) viser biskop Fisher allerede halshugget, mens Thomas More og Margaret Pole venter på sin henrettelse.

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