
Hva slags biskoper ønsker pave Frans?

John Allen skriver om utnevnelsen av biskop Blase Cupich til ny erkebiskop i Chicago – andre skriver at dette kanskje hadde med å gjøre at Cupich kjenner erkebiskopen/kardinalen av Boston, O’Malley, og denne kardinalen er en av pave Frans’ spesielt utvalgte rådgivere. Men han skriver også om hva slag biskoper pave Frans ønsker:

… by now we have a fairly clear picture of what Francis wants.

First, he wants moderates rather than ideologues, men who will defend church teaching but whose first instinct isn’t political confrontation, and who keep lines of communication open with all camps.

Second, he wants bishops of the “Social Gospel,” meaning leaders with a special concern for the poor, for immigrants, and for those at what he’s called the “existential peripheries” of the world.

Third, he wants men who see themselves as pastors rather than bureaucrats or diplomats, shepherds who, in his memorable image, “carry the smell of their sheep” because they’re close to the ordinary people they’re called to serve.

By all accounts, that’s what Francis has got in Cupich, an Omaha native whose previous job was as the bishop of Spokane in Washington.

Tankene til Kasper-Bergoglio før bispesynoden

Sandro Magister skriver slik på denne siden; at pave Frans sannsynligvis støtter kardinal Kaspers nokså radikale tanker om å forandre Kirkens syn på skilsmisse og gjengifte:

With the synod approaching, the clash between supporters of change and defenders of the bimillennial doctrine and practice of the Catholic Church in the matter of marriage is becoming ever more heated.

The clash is being fought also and above all at the highest levels of the hierarchy, among cardinals of the first rank. In particular over the dilemma of whether or not to give sacramental communion to divorced Catholics who have remarried civilly.

The innovators have their combative leader in the German cardinal and theologian Walter Kasper. No other cardinal has yet taken sides with him publicly in a substantiated form. The only one who has promised to support him has been Cardinal Reinhard Marx, archbishop of Munich, who announced that he will bring a document to the synod signed by the German bishops in favor of the change.

But it is no mystery that Pope Francis is on Kasper’s side, although he has never publicly and clearly stated what his thinking is, but has implied this with the simple gesture of entrusting to Kasper the introductory presentation at the consistory last February, a dry run for the upcoming synod, and of “agreeing” with him – as Kasper himself revealed – on the proposals for change contained in the presentation.

On the contrary, the cardinals who have spoken out against Kasper’s ideas and in defense of the traditional doctrine and practice are numerous and prominent.

… …

Pave Alexander VI er uskyldig – i de fleste anklagene

Alexander VI, pave fra 1492 til 1503, er ofte regnet som en av de alle mest umoralske paver, med mange barn etc … , men nå har jeg nettopp hørt en (lyd)bok som viser at disse anklagene rett og slett er falske: The Borgias: The Hidden History, By G. J. Meyer, Random House, 2013

……… Again and again, Meyer contends that there’s an equally simple counter-explanation:

This aspect of the puzzle would disappear if Alexander could be shown to have been utterly cynical, without belief in the creed he professed and therefore exempt from any sense of sinfulness. He is often, even usually, depicted in exactly that way, but such an interpretation of his character is unquestionably false. He was a believer and a devout one, displaying particular devotion to the Virgin Mary and unqualified so far as we know in his acceptance of the teachings of the Church he led. It is at least possible that, while believing in damnation (he would be a remarkable fifteenth century European if he did not), he was not “dark with fear and gloom” for the simple reason that he was hopeful of escaping it and saw reason to be so.

And if so, then why all the dark tales in the first place? Again, there’s a disarmingly simple explanation:

These stories appeared when they did in part because there was a voracious one-man market for them: Alexander’s successor Julius II, Giuliano della Rovere, who had been blocked by the Borgias from winning the papal throne first in 1492 and again in September 1503 and who had spent most of the intervening years in seethingly bitter exile.

In Meyer’s version of events – which is entirely, magisterially convincing – the animus of Pope Julius was sufficient to keep the Borgia name under a cloud long enough for the Protestant Reformation to hit full swing and need for its own reasons exemplars of Catholic wickedness and duplicity …..

Inntrykk av pave Frans


Janne Haaland Matlary siteres i Vårt Land «om den nye tid i Roma» – med ny pave. Hun sier at paven er svært populær og medienes yndling, men det er også ting hun selv har opplevd eller hørt som ikke bare er positivt:

… I kurien er meningene svært delte. En venn som er teolog og meget moderne, sier: «Han konsulterer aldri, sier bare det han vil og hvis han spør noen, er det en argentiner. Det er mangel på respekt for vårt arbeid». Det er ingen tvil om at den mektige romerske kurien er tilsidesatt, men med det er også finformuleringene av doktrine. Paven sier ting på en så folkelig måte at alle nås og forstår, men samtidig blir det svært enkle svar som ofte misforstås.

Mens forgjengeren Benedikt aldri ble medias venn da han nettopp uttalte at det ikke finnes enkle svar på kompliserte spørsmål, er denne paven noe så merkelig som populær i mediene. Men det enkle er muligens ikke alltid det beste? …

Min kritiske venn i kurien sier at paven alltid har tre poeng i sine prekener og at de alle er så enkle at enhver kan forstå dem, men at dette også skaper forvirring fordi det som sies, ikke forankres. Ja, det er vel samme oppskriften som Jesus selv brukte, for lignelsene er jo en pedagogisk metode.

Paven Frans har altså valgt en stil som er fullstendig konsistent med kjernen i det kristne budskap: pastoral omsorg og oppfordring til omvendelse, praksis fremfor ord, konsentrasjon om hovedbudskapet.

Da vi sist var i Vitenskapsakademiet, var det en liten håndskrevet lapp fra ham på spansk til oss med beskjed om å jobbe med ‘trafficking’ i alle dets aspekter, fra prostitusjon til tvangsarbeid og det som verre er. Ingen normal oppgave for et vitenskapsakademi, og innbudte talere var heller ikke de vanlige akademikerne, men folk fra søppelplukkernes og gateselgernes organisasjon i Buenos Aires. Så vi skal utvikle sosialpolitikk nå. Hva er mest nyttig; det eller vitenskaplige analyser? Det umiddelbare svaret er sosialpolitikk, men det er ikke det opplagte svaret i et lengre perspektiv. …

Pave Frans besøker gravsted for aborterte foster


Rorate Cæli forteller om dette, og har også med et utdrag av en tale om abort av moder Teresa (som hun vel holdt i Oslo ved nobelprisudelingen i 1979):

I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing – direct murder by the mother herself. And we read in the Scripture, for God says very clearly: Even if a mother could forget her child – I will not forget you – I have carved you in the palm of my hand. We are carved in the palm of His hand, so close to Him that unborn child has been carved in the hand of God. And that is what strikes me most, the beginning of that sentence, that even if a mother could forget something impossible – but even if she could forget – I will not forget you. And today the greatest means – the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion. And we who are standing here – our parents wanted us. We would not be here if our parents would do that to us. Our children, we want them, we love them, but what of the millions. Many people are very, very concerned with the children in India, with the children in Africa where quite a number die, maybe of malnutrition, of hunger and so on, but millions are dying deliberately by the will of the mother. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today. Because if a mother can kill her own child – what is left for me to kill you and you kill me – there is nothing between.

Corpus Christi-prosesjonen i Roma

Filmen over viser Corpus Christi-prosesjonen i Roma i år, torsdag kveld. Den foregikk på tradisjonell måte – mellom Laterankirken og St Maria Maggiore – men i år valgte pave Frans å ikke delta i selve prosesjonen, bare ved starten og avslutningen.

I Norge har det i år vært flere og større sakramentsprosesjonen i dag enn på mange år, men jeg må innrømme at jeg har visse reservasjoner til en praksis som (noen steder) medfører at flere søndagsmesser avlyses – for at man skal kunne samle flest mulig i prosesjonen. De tradisjonelle prosesjonene foregår jo torsdag kveld, og selve prosesjonen er hovedsaken, bl.a. fordi slike prosesjoner samler langt flere mennesker enn noen kirke kan romme – jfr filmen over.

Pave Paul VI skal saligkåres 19. oktober i år

I dag kl 11.20 ble følgende melding lagt ut på Vatikanradioens nettsider:

Pope Francis has approved the promulgation of the decree for the cause of beatification of his predecessor Pope Paul VI. The approval was announced Saturday.

The beatification ceremony is scheduled to take place October 19, 2014, at the conclusion of the III Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the family. ….

Kardinal Kasper er blitt intervjuet om ekteskapet

Et intervju med (pensjonerte) kardinal Kasper i Commonweal har fått mye oppmerksomhet de siste par dagene. Her sier han mye interessant om utfordringer Kirken har rundt ekteskapet (bl.a. om hvorfor en grundig forberedelse/katekese er nødvendig før man gifter seg katolsk). Her er et lite utdrag:

That’s a real problem. I’ve spoken to the pope himself about this, and he said he believes that 50 percent of marriages are not valid. Marriage is a sacrament. A sacrament presupposes faith. And if the couple only want a bourgeois ceremony in a church because it’s more beautiful, more romantic, than a civil ceremony, you have to ask whether there was faith, and whether they really accepted all the conditions of a valid sacramental marriage—that is, unity, exclusivity, and also indissolubility. The couples, when they get married, they want it because it’s stable. But many think, “Well, if we fail, we have the right.” And then already the principle is denied. Many canon lawyers tell me that today in our pluralistic situation we cannot presuppose that couples really assent to what the church requires. Often it is also ignorance. Therefore you have to emphasize and to strengthen prematrimonial catechesis. It’s often done in a very bureaucratic way. No, we have to provide catechesis. I know some parishes in Rome where couples have to attend catechesis, and the pastor himself does it. We must do much more in prematrimonial catechesis and use pastoral work and so on because we cannot presuppose that everybody who is a formal Christian also has the faith. It wouldn’t be realistic.

Men når han her sier at pave Frans selv mener at halvparten av alle ekteskap er ugyldige, har mange reagert ganske kraftig – men Vatikanet her selv ikke kommentert dette så langt. Kirkerettseksperten Peters har kommentert dette slik (les gjerne videre selv):

Cdl. Kasper’s claim cannot be ignored

I understand Fr. Lombardi’s unwillingness to comment on statements allegedly made by the pope to private persons. I’m not sure his ‘No Comment’ policy can be observed in the long run, but I understand why he wants to avoid questions about private papal conversations. But Cdl. Kasper’s shocking claim that the pope believes half of all marriages to be invalid, is different. Very, very different.

Programmet for helligkåringsmessen er klart

Vatikanet har nå offentliggjort programmet (en bok på 140 sider) som skal brukes under helligkåringsmessen for pave Johannes XXIII og pave Johannes Paul II kommende søndag. Last det ned her.

Vi legger merke til at hele messen er på latin, også erklæringen om at disse to pavene erklæres som hellige:


PrayTell-bloggen skriver om dette, og nevner bl.a.:

Francis will co-celebrate this Sunday’s Mass for the canonizations of John XXIII and John Paul II, with about 150 cardinals, a thousand bishops and six thousand priests, the director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Federico Lombardi said at a press conference.

Cardinals and bishops will be standing on the left hand side of the courtyard in front of the Basilica and so will the six thousand priests who will be attending, except they will be standing lower down. Meanwhile, official delegations will stand to the right of the courtyard.

Six hundred priests and two hundred deacons who will be leaving from the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina on Via della Conciliazione will be administering communion in St. Peter’s Square.

De skriver også at mange startsledere o.a. kommer til å delta, selv om ingen offisiell invitasjon ble sendt ut. Pave Benedikt kommer kanskje også til å delta, om han kjnner seg sterk nok.

Pave Benedikt fyller 87 år i dag


Vi ønsker pave Benedikt «gratulerer med dagen» i dag. For meg har han vært den aller viktigste personen i Kirken helt siden jeg ble katolikk for snart 20 år siden.

Les om ham HER og HER (på engelsk) og se dokumenter og taler fra hans tid som pave HER.

Kan vi få flere gifte prester?

Det har flere ganger blitt diskutert om Kirken bør eller kan få flere gifte prester. Det ble diskutert på bispesynoden om Eukaritisen i 2005, men da endte biskopene med å svare nokså negativt. Jeg har også i det siste hørt signaler om at Roma akkurat for øyeblikket vil være forsiktige med å gi dispensasjoner fra sølibatsplikten (som jeg fikk i 1999) – men i det anglikanske ordinariatet fikk man et par hundre gifte katolske prester for noen få år siden. Det er jo også en hel del praktiske utfordringer (og her er jeg selv igjen et eksempel) mht hvordan man skal bruke oh lønne en prest som har familie.

Men nå har det nettopp kommet nyheter om at pave Frans kanskje vil kunne åpne for flere gifte prester – slik leser vi i the Tablet:

A bishop who met with Pope Francis in a rare private audience on 4 April has said in an interview that the two men discussed the issue of the ordination of “proven” married men – viri probati – in a serious and positive way.

Bishop Erwin Kräutler, Bishop of Xingu in the Brazilian rainforest, spoke to the Pope about Francis’ forthcoming encyclical on the environment, and the treatment of indigenous peoples but the desperate shortage of priests in the bishop’s huge diocese came up in the conversation. According to an interview the Austrian-born bishop gave to the daily Salzburger Nachrichten on 5 April, the Pope was open-minded about finding solutions to the problem, saying that bishops’ conferences could have a decisive role. …..

Pave Frans ber oss ikke være så naive at vi tror det er gammeldags å snakke om Satan

I dag, fredag før Palmesøndag, sa pave Frans i prekkenen i sin morgenmesse (prekenreferat ved

Pope Francis said today during the homily of his morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta that we are the victim of temptations because the devil doesn’t want our holiness.

The subject of the Pope’s homily was Satan, as Francis affirmed that Satan continues to exist today and it’s naive to ignore him. Pope Francis also said that if we listen to the Gospel, we can fight against his temptations.

Pope Francis acknowledged that the Christian life is one which involves constantly fighting against evil, just as this was true for Jesus’ life. The Pope underscored that, as Christians, we struggle against the devil and resisting his temptations.

He said, «We too are tempted. We too are the target of attacks by the devil because the spirit of evil does not want our holiness, he does not want our Christian witness, he does not want us to be disciples of Christ. And what does the Spirit of Evil do, through his temptations, to distance us from the path of Jesus? The temptation of the devil has three characteristics and we need to learn about them in order not to fall into the trap. What does Satan do to distance us from the path of Jesus?»

Pope Francis then answered: «Firstly, his temptation begins gradually but grows and is always growing. Secondly, it grows and infects another person, it spreads to another and seeks to be part of the community. And in the end, in order to calm the soul, it justifies itself. It grows, it spreads and it justifies itself.”

The Pope said Jesus’s first temptation was «like a seduction.» He reflected on the devil telling Jesus to throw himself down from the temple to prove to the people that he was the Messiah. However, Jesus did not listen. So, the devil left, came back with others, and pressured Jesus again, but with greater persistence. The Pope highlighted how the greatness of the temptation had magnified.

Continuing with his theme, the Pontiff said, «we have a temptation: it grows and infects others.» He gave an example, saying «Let’s look at gossip: I’m a bit envious of this or that person and at first I’m just envious inside and I need to share it and go to another person and say: “But have you seen that person?’.. and this gossip tries to grow and infects another and another… This is the way gossip works and all of us have been tempted to gossip! Maybe not one of you, if you’re a saint , but I too have been tempted to gossip! It’s a daily temptation. And it begins in this way, discreetly, like a trickle of water. It grows by infecting others and in the end it justifies itself.”

Concluding his address, the Holy Father gave some advice to those present: “We are all tempted because the law of our spiritual life, our Christian life is a struggle: a struggle. That’s because the Prince of this world, Satan, doesn’t want our holiness, he doesn’t want us to follow Christ. Maybe some of you might say: ‘But Father, how old fashioned you are to speak about the devil in the 21st century!’ But look out, because the devil is present! The devil is here… even in the 21st century! And we mustn’t be naïve, right? We must learn from the Gospel how to fight against Satan.”

Pave Frans: OMVENDELSE er det viktigste i fasten

Dette sa pave Frans tidligere (18/3) i årets fastetid:

Lent is a time to “adjust your life,” “to get closer to the Lord.” That was the message of Pope Francis at Mass this morning at Casa Santa Marta. The Pope warned against thinking of ourselves as “better than others.” The hypocrites, he warned, “disguise themselves as good people” and do not understand that no one is made just by his own efforts; we all need to undergo justification.

Pope Francis began his homily stressing “conversion” as the key word of Lent, a favourable time “to grow closer” to Jesus. Commenting on the First Reading, from the book of Isaiah, he said that the Lord calls two “sinful cities” like Sodom and Gomorrah to conversion. This shows us that we all “need to make a change of life,” to take a “good look into our soul” — where we always find something. The purpose of Lent, then, is precisely “to adjust my life,” to draw closer to the Lord. Jesus, the Pope said, wants to be close to us; He assures us the He is “waiting for us in order to forgive us.” However, he cautioned, the Lord wants “a sincere approach;” and warns us against being hypocrites …

Men det er ikke bare i fasten vi trenger å omvende oss, sier pave Frans i denne to uker gamle videoen:

Pave Frans er like populær blant katolikker som sine forgjengere


Ja, har er faktisk ikke mer populær blant amerikanske katolikker enn pave Johannes Paul II og pave Bededikt XVI, skriver Sandro Magister – for alle tre var svært populære. Magister skriver bl.a.:

… John Paul II and Benedict XVI also had very high approval ratings, or even higher. But only among the faithful. On the outside there was tough opposition.

Francis has rounded the corner of his first year driven by an immense popularity. But there is nothing new in this. In 2008 Benedict XVI had also reached identical levels of consensus. And John Paul II had been even more popular, and for many years afterward.

The novelty is something else. With Francis, for the first time in ages a pope is being lauded not only by his own, but almost more so by those on the outside, by secular public opinion, by the secular media, by governments and international organizations.

Even the report of a UN commission that at the beginning of February ferociously attacked the Church spared him, bowing to that “who am I to judge?” now universally taken up as the emblematic motto of the “openness” of this pontificate.

Not with his two predecessors. At the apogee of their popularity they had the Christian people on their side. But all the others were against them.

In fact, the more the “age» opposed the pope, the larger the pope himself loomed. The magazine “Time” dedicated the man of the year cover to John Paul II in 1994, the year of the pitched battle that he waged, almost alone against the rest of the world and the American administration foremost, before, during, and after the UN conference in Cairo on birth control and therefore, according to the pope, for «the systematic death of the unborn.»

Karol Wojtyla had made 1994 the year of the family because he saw it threatened and attacked, when instead at the approach of the new millennium, in the vision of the pope, it should have shone as at the beginning of creation, male and female, increase and multiply, and “let man not separate what God has united.”

In 1994 John Paul II also wrote a letter to the bishops to reiterate the ‘no’ on communion for the divorced and remarried. And he spoke another categorical ‘no’ on women priests. …..

… The more John Paul II was dismissed by secular opinion as obscurantist and backward, the higher his popularity among Catholics was. During that decade it was stable at 93 percent in favor, about ten points higher than Pope Francis today and Benedict XVI in 2008.

The arc of Pope Joseph Ratzinger is also exemplary, Just after he was elected, in 2005, his popularity among Catholics was low, at 67 percent, with only 17 percent saying they were very favorable. But he gradually won greater consensus, in spite of the rigor with which he criticized the challenges of modernity. …..

…. The lesson that can be gathered from this is that a pope’s success among the faithful is not automatically connected to his pliability on crucial questions. Two intransigent popes like John Paul II and Benedict XVI registered very high popularity levels.

The «openness» of a pope to modernity can instead explain the consensus he gets from the outside, from secular opinion. This seems to be the novelty of Francis.

A novelty that deep down he mistrusts. He said in his recent interview with «Corriere della Sera»: «I don’t like a certain mythology of Pope Francis. Sigmund Freud said, if I am not mistaken, that in every idealization there is an aggression.»

Ett år siden pave Frans ble valgt

John Allen regnes som en av de aller mest kunnskapsrike kirkejournalister, og han skriver i The Boston Globe (der han nylig er blitt ansatt) om det første året med pave Frans:


One year ago Thursday, a relatively obscure prelate from Argentina made his debut as the new leader of the world’s oldest Christian church, stepping out onto the fabled balcony overlooking St. Peter’s Square and joking that his brother cardinals had gone to “the end of the earth” to find a pope.

For an institution legendary for taking itself rather seriously, that flash of humor alone communicated that this wasn’t going to be your grandfather’s kind of pontiff.

By taking the name Francis, the new pope awakened images of St. Francis, the beloved poor man of Assisi. He then knelt to ask the crowd to pray for him before imparting his official blessing, seemingly inaugurating a new era of papal humility. …

… The Boston Globe spoke to a dozen cardinals from various parts of the world in late February and early March. Based on that unscientific sample, reaction seems a mix of satisfaction and astonishment. While some admit to elevated blood pressure levels, there appears to be little buyer’s remorse — in part because having a popular pope simply makes their lives easier.

Few cardinals anticipated the way in which the new pontiff would capture the imagination of the world, or how quickly he would do it.

Asked if he would have predicted a year ago that the new pope would enjoy astronomic approval ratings and grace the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, vice president of the US bishops’ conference, could scarcely have been more definitive. “No, no, and no,” he told the Globe.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York amplified the point. “We knew we were electing a man of the poor, and we knew we were electing a good manager,” Dolan said. “We had no idea we were electing a rock star.”

Dolan’s experience is typical of many churchmen. He reports that when he does media interviews today, the questions generally aren’t about pedophile priests, crackdowns on nuns, or bruising political fights inside the Vatican. Instead, they’re largely adulatory inquiries about the new pontiff.

Cardinals also say that politicians and diplomats are less inclined to be hostile to church interests, because no one wants to be on the wrong side of a popular pope, and that when they mingle at the grass roots, even outside the confines of the church, they generally find delight. ….

…. Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto, admits that there have been times when the pope’s almost casual rhetorical turns and his spirit of openness have created heartburn.

“There have been things which are hard to explain,” Collins said, referring specifically to one of the headlines from an October interview Francis granted to a left-wing Italian paper: “God is not a Catholic.”

Still, Collins said, when he reads the full text of what Francis has said, as opposed to sound bites, he generally finds nothing to worry about. “You read the whole text and it’s great,” Collins said. “You may have to work a little harder to get the proper context, but it’s always there.” …

Pave Frans og pave emeritus Benedikt

Pave Benedikt angrer ikke på at han trakk seg tilbake i fjor, og han har ingen tanker om å flytte tilbake til Tyskland. Dette leser vi (på italiensk) i et intervju med hans nærmeste medarbeider, erkebiskop Gänswein. Intervjuet avsluttes slik:

Il Papa emerito non si è mai pentito di essersi dimesso?
Mai. Anche per questo vive totalmente in pace con sé, e con il Signore.

E di farsi chiamare Papa emerito?
Neanche. Ritiene che questo titolo corrisponda alla realtà.

Ha mai pensato di ritirarsi in Germania?
Per quanto posso sapere, mai. Nei miei colloqui con lui non ho mai percepito questo desiderio, questa nostalgia, questa idea.

Og enda mer interessante deler av intervjuet kan leses på engelsk her:

Do the Pope and the Pope emeritus interact frequently?

There is an excellent relationship. The ways in which they interact are various. They telephone, they write, they meet, they eat together. Pope Francis has been a guest for lunch in the monastery several times. Once, after Christmas, the Pope emeritus was also in Santa Marta.

The are some who contrast them.

It is a favorite game, especially for some journalists. Which does not please me. I have the grace of living with one and working with the other. And I can thus allow myself to say that I know both very well. I do not see them as opposed, but as complementary. It is obvious that the style, the gestures, and even the form of government of Pope Francis are different from those of Pope Benedict. But an opposition cannot be established only based on this. Doing things in a different way does not mean doing them in an opposite way. One must always have in mind that which the Pope emeritus wrote to professor Hans Küng and repeated to Andrea Tornielli, when he expressed «identity of views and heartfelt friendship» regarding Pope Francis.

Also in the liturgy the sensibilities are different.

That is true, this is an objective fact, and it is not an offense to say so. But even in this case, I repeat, doing things in a different way does not mean doing them in an opposite way.

Mye skjer i Vatikanet i februar

På www.chiesa kaller man de siste dagene av februar «Nine days of fireworks on the way», og forteller om fire hovedsaker som vi snart skal få oppleve:


To begin, from Monday the 17th to Wednesday the 19th there will be a meeting of the council of cardinals appointed ten months ago by Jorge Mario Bergoglio to help him in the governance of the universal Church and in the reform of the curia.

This is the third collegial meeting of the eight cardinals coordinated by the Honduran Salesian Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga. They will attend to the reform of the curia … …

… On Thursday the 20th and Friday the 21st of February there will be a meeting at the Vatican of all the cardinals, including the new ones who will formally receive the scarlet on Saturday the 22nd.

This is a consistory that, at the behest of Pope Francis, will discuss the pastoral care of the family. The only talk scheduled has been entrusted to German cardinal Walter Kasper, after which there will be ample space for free discussion. The debate promises to be rather heated, above all on access to the Eucharist for the divorced and remarried …

… On Saturday, February 22, the feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, Pope Francis will create the first new cardinals of his pontificate and the following day, Sunday the 23rd, will celebrate a solemn Mass with them at Saint Peter’s.

The pontiff’s decision to destine most of the scarlet for pastors of Churches in the southern hemisphere is in effect unprecedented and recalls, as the signal of a sea change …

… Finally, on Monday the 24th and Tuesday the 25th of February there will be a meeting of the council of the general secretariat of the synod of bishops, coordinated by the new cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri.

That assembly will begin to evaluate the responses to the questionnaire concerning the upcoming extraordinary synod in October, also dedicated to the pastoral care of the family.

The episcopal conferences of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland have already seen to spreading all over the world, through detailed press releases, the responses that have come to them, tipped very much out of balance toward the progressive side.

But this diffusion has been judged as a «unilateral initiative» and «not correct» by Baldisseri, who reiterated in an interview how the publication of these materials, which were supposed to have been sent «confidentially» to the Vatican, were by no means authorized. …

Pave Benedikt fjernet mange hundre prester som var overgripere

Dagbladet skrev om dette i går, og den kjente katolske reporteren John Allen skriver også grundig om dette:

Facing a virtually unprecedented examination of its record on child sexual abuse by a U.N. panel, a senior Vatican official today asserted that the Catholic church wants to be «an example of best practice» in the prevention of abuse.
Italian Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican’s representative to the United Nations in Geneva, spoke this morning to the Committee on the Convention of the Rights of the Child, a 1989 United Nations treaty which the Vatican ratified in 1990.

Although the U.N. panel has no power to compel the Vatican to do anything, its body of experts is expected to make recommendations after the day-long hearing. In effect, today marks the first time senior Vatican officials have appeared before an independent body to defend the church’s handling of the abuse scandals that have erupted over the past decade.

The seriousness with which the Vatican is taking the process is reflected in the fact that it dispatched not only Tomasi but also Maltese Bishop Charles Scicluna, who served for ten years as the Vatican’s top sex abuse prosecutor and is widely seen as a leading reformer. … …

Pave Benedikt har vært en veldig viktig peerson mht at overgriperne skal stoppes og straffes, og dette uttrykkes bl.a. slik:

An AP review of the reference books shows a remarkable evolution in the Holy See’s in-house procedures to discipline pedophiles since 2001, when the Vatican ordered bishops to send cases of all credibly accused priests to Rome for review.

Then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger took action after determining that bishops around the world weren’t following church law to put accused clerics on trial in church tribunals. Bishops routinely moved problem priests from parish to parish rather than subject them to canonical trials — or turn them into police. … …

… According to the 2001 norms Ratzinger pushed through, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reviews each case sent to Rome and then instructs bishops how to proceed, either by launching an administrative process against the priest if the evidence is overwhelming or a church trial. At every step of the way the priest is allowed to defend himself. …

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