Lokalnyheter 2

Min barndoms skole skal legges ned – Vestly skule. Nå er det vedtatt, leser vi i Jærbladet.

Eit klart fleirtal i Time kommunestyre gjorde tirsdag det endelege vedtaket om at den eldste skulen i kommunen skal leggjast ned i løpet av våren. Det skapte sterke kjensler både hos enkelte kommunestyrerepresentantar og hos folk som bur i krinsen. …

Bildene under viser (øverst) skolen stort sett slik den stod ferdig i januar 1962 – jeg begynte selv i 1. klasse i august samme år. Bilde nummer to viser også den nye gymsalen (fra 90-tallet, tror jeg) og til høyre den gamle skolen som ble flytta ned hit fra Lye (også på 90-tallet tror jeg). Der gikk jeg på søndagsskole, hver søndag kl 09.30. Min far var rektor her fra 1952 til 1990. Men på tross av alt dette innser jeg at skolen nok ikke lenger var «liv laga» – og jeg føler det ikke så tungt, jeg har tross alt ikke bodd på Jæren siden 1975.

Forfatteren Evelyn Waugh om messen

“I am old now but when I was young I was received into the Church. I was not at all attracted by the splendour of her great ceremonies – which the Protestants could well counterfeit. Of the extraneous attractions of the Church which most drew me was the spectacle of the priest and his server at low Mass, stumping up to the altar without a glance to discover how many or how few he had in his congregation; a craftsman and his apprentice; a man with a job which he alone was qualified to do. That is the Mass I have grown to know and love.”

Slik siteres Evelyn Waugh i en artikkel i Catholic Herald. Det er svært interessant å lese hvordan han beskriver messen; som et håndtverk, en (offer)handling for Gud. Artikkelen handler egentlig mest om den nye engelske oversettelsen av messen, men overdriver nok hva den nye oversettelsen kan gjøre. Messene på engelsk vil nok foregå som før; noen ganske gode, mange «midt på treet» og noen helt forferdelige – med showmannship av presten, misbruk og ulovligheter. F.eks. vil man nok oftest droppe den fulle formen av syndsbekjennelsen (som nå er blitt komplett med tre slag for brystet) og første kanonbønn (som er blitt dramatisk forbedret, og er ganske mye bedre også enn den norske, som egentlig ikke er så verst).

Jeg brukte den nye engellske messeboken for første gang sist søndag, og skal gjøre det de to neste søndagene også, og jeg kommer forhåpentligvis med mine erfaringer om ikke så lenge.


Bildet over viser ei ny vindmølle på Lyefjell – bak det store byggefeltet Lyefjell (der jeg har en bror og ei søster), med innkjøring fra Åsen (for de lokakjente). I bagrunnen ser vi Bjerkreim fjernsynssender – som min familie (8 brødre Moi og alle deres barn) kalte Moi-senderen da den ble bygd på slutten av 60-tallet, fordi den lå Moifjellet, tilhørende gården Moi (i Bjerkreim), der min farfar kom fra.

I Stavanger Aftenblad leser vi om de to nye vindmøllene på Lyefjell:

Fredag kom den første møllen på plass – som det aller første 
resultatet av at Norge og Sverige 
i desember i fjor ble enige om et felles grønt sertifikat.

Den nye loven for ordningen ble endelig vedtatt av Stortinget mandag.  De grønne sertifikatene var helt avgjørende for prosjektet, forklarer Jan Thiessen, daglig leder i Solvind AS.

Selskapet bak vindkraftsatsingen regner med at sertifikatene vil gi dem 15 øre per kilowattime produsert strøm eller rundt 700.000 til 800.000 kroner i året. Det gjør at prosjektet til 20 millioner kroner går i pluss. Dermed blir det nye landemerket på toppen av feltet det første prosjektet i den nye satsingen på fornybar energi.

Da Sverige og Norge 8. desember i fjor undertegnet den nye samarbeidsavtalen var målet at sertifikatsystemet skal gi 26,4 TWh fra 2012 til 2020, fordelt på 13,2 TWh i hvert land. Det tilsvarer en produksjon på om lag åtte gasskraftverk.

Alma Redemptoris Mater

Palestrinas Alma Redemptoris Mater – Mariahymnen i advent. Fra Krakow, Polen.

Alma Redemptóris Mater, quæ pervia cæli Porta manes, et stella maris, succúrre cadenti, surgere qui curat, populo: Tu quæ genuisti, natura miránte, tuum sanctum Genitórem Virgo prius ac postérius, Gabrielis ab ore sumens illud Ave, peccatórum miserere.

En biskop er kritisk til Kirkens nære fortid

For et par uker siden sa biskop Mark Davies i Shrewsbury i Engalnd til noen ungdommer i bispedømmet:

… a generation before you so often failed to pass on those directions, the fullness of our Catholic faith which in Isaiah’s words at every crucial turn of our lives tells us, “this is the way, follow it!”

Dette blir kraftig kritisert på The Tablet’s Blog, mens flere tar den unge biskopen i forsvar, bl.a. the Hermenuticalness:

(Bishop Davies) was pointing out what it obvious to anyone willing to be honest about the life of the Church in the past few decades. Children, parents and young grandparents have grown up without clear teaching on the divinity of Christ, the infallibility of the Church, the real presence, the Sunday Mass obligation, the wrongfulness of artificial contraception, the existence of purgatory… to list but a few of the doctrines that have been considered too hard. That is what he means by the failure to pass on the fullness of the faith. He is unquestionably right and it is a grave injustice to the People of God if we pretend that it has not happened; and more so if we fail to rectify the situation with urgency. …

Martyrologium for 14. desember (vår bryllupsdag)

Fra Prim i de tradisjonelle tidebønnene (dagen før, martyrologiet er alltid ‘anticipert’, uten at jeg vet hvorfor):

December 14th anno Domini 2011 (the 19th Day of Moon) were born into the better life:

At Alexandria, (in the year 250,) the holy martyrs Heron, Arsenius, and Isidore, and a lad Dioscorus. In the persecution under the Emperor Decius the judge caused Heron, Arsenius, and Isidore to be lacerated with divers torments, and, when he saw them to be all equally steadfast, to be burnt. Dioscorus was heavily whipped, but God was pleased that, for the comfort of the faithful, he should then be set at liberty.
At Antioch, the holy martyrs Drusus, Zosimus, and Theodore.
Upon the same day, (in the year 284,) the holy martyrs Justus and Abundius. Under Olybrius the President, in the persecution under the Emperor Numerian, they were cast into the fire, and when they appeared thence unburnt, they were beheaded.
At Rheims, the holy martyrs Nicasius, Bishop, (in the year 400,) of that see the Virgin Eutropia, his sister, and their Companions, who were slain by the savage enemies of the Church (in the year 407.) In the island of Cyprus the blessed Spiridion, Bishop (of Tremithos) he was one of those Confessors whose right eyes were put out and their left thighs hamstrung, and were condemned to penal servitude in the mines by the Emperor Galerius Maximian. He was illustrious for the gift of prophecy, and the fame of miracles, and at the Council of Nice, (held in 325,) he confuted and converted to the faith a heathen philosopher who attacked the Christian religion, (and died after the year 347.)
At Bergamo, the holy Confessor Viator, Bishop (of that see.)
At Pavia, holy Pompey, Bishop (of that see.)
At Naples, in Campania, (in the year 596,) holy Agnello, Abbat (at Naples,) famous for the grace of miracles, who, when the city had been beleaguered, had often been seen with a flag marked with a cross, delivering it from the enemy.
At Ubeda, in Spain, the holy Confessor John of the Cross (died in 1591) a companion of holy Teresa in reforming the Carmelites, whose feast is kept upon the 24th day of November.
At Milan, the holy Hermit Matronian.

Kirker eller indianertelt?

Jeg skrev nettopp om kirken de planlegegr å bygge i Fr. Longeneckers menighet, og han skriver i forb. med det en spenstig (og dristig, kanskje frekk) artikkel om kirkearkitektur i Crisismagazine. Her sier han bl.a.:

We are building a new church in our parish, and to lead the effort I have been thinking and reading about church architecture. Looking around at the dismal buildings that have been presented as Catholic churches over the last 50 years, one has to ask where on earth the architects, designers, and liturgists got their ideas.

We don’t have to look far. G. K. Chesterton said, “Every argument is a theological argument,” and the modern churches clearly reflect the beliefs of their builders. First, the builders and their buildings are fundamentally utilitarian. Driven by the unquestioned modernist dogma that “form follows function,” they have designed not churches but auditoria. Everyone can see the altar; the sound system is excellent; the toilets are capacious and clean. The air conditioning works, and the roof does not leak, and (most important of all) the building was not expensive.

When it comes to whether the church should be beautiful or not, the building committee adopts the doctrine of Judas: “Why should the money be spent on costly ointment when it could be given to the poor?” In other words, let’s cut out all that beautiful stuff; it’s too expensive. We need a few statues and vestments — but cheap, mass produced stuff will do. But too often, once the cheap choice is made, they forget that the money saved was to go to the poor, and the savings are merely pocketed.

Then there are the liturgists, who tell us that the Mass is all about “gathering the people of God for a fellowship meal.” Therefore, everyone must sit around the altar as a family. I heard one trendy priest explain, “When I am celebrating Mass, I am like the shaman telling stories around the campfire with the whole tribe gathered around me.” On this pretext, on Holy Saturday, this priest brought the new fire into the sanctuary of the church itself. I suppose it was unsurprising, therefore, when he built a church that resembled a large brick tepee. …

Planlegger ny, men tradisjonell, katolsk kirke

Jeg har nettopp fått en e-post fra sognepresten i Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church, i Greenville, South Carolina, Fr Longenecker (vi har noe felles, siden vi begge er gifte katolske prester) – han nevner på sin blogg den nye kirken de planlegegr å bygge. Her er tre bilder av den:

Menigheten skriver på sine nettsider om byggeprosessen, bl.a.:

The building we now use for worship at Our Lady of the Rosary parish was built over fifty years as a temporary measure. The Butler building was going to be used as a church for a short time until a church could be built. Then it was going to become the school gym. In the 1970s a gym and middle school were built for the school and the Butler building continued to be used for worship. Over the years it was expanded and renovated several times.

In the early 2000s Fr. Charles Day, who was pastor at the time, formed a building committee and began the project to build the new church. They got as far as the parking lots, then Fr. Day retired. Fr Dac Tran OFM was appointed as parish administrator and continued the work of the building committee.
The committee worked hard and selected an architectural firm. The architects visited the parish and consulted with the parishioners about the sort of church they would like to build. … The process got stalled however, because of Diocesan regulations and bureaucracy. Nevertheless, Fr Dac Tran and the committee made good progress and a basic floor plan and exterior sketch was produced by the architectural firm.

In the summer of 2010 Fr. Dwight Longenecker took over as parish priest from Fr Tran. He met with the building committee and sensing that they were not totally happy with the current architect, began to explore the possibility of working with a young church designer in Charleston named Andrew Gould. During the first year of this process the diocese, under the leadership of the new Bishop Guglielmone, established a more workable and parish friendly building policy. …

Bilder fra Syracusa – den hellige Lucias kirke

Min kone og jeg var på Sicilia i månedsskiftet februar/mars 2005, og i Syracusa (på sørøst-kysten) besøkte vi domkirken (med et sidekapell for St Lucia) som ligger midt i gamlebyen, faktisk er kirken bygget inne i et gammelt gresk tempel, noe man kan se tydelig på bilde to under:

Om denne kirken kan vi lese på wikipedia:

The Cathedral was built by bishop Zosimo in the 7th century over the great Temple of Athena (5th century BC), on the Ortygia island. This was a Doric edifice with six columns on the short sides and 14 on the long ones: these can still be seen incorporated in the walls of the current church. The base of the Greek edifice had three steps. The interior of the church has a nave and two aisles. The roof of the nave is from Norman times, as well as the mosaics in the apses. The façade was rebuilt by Andrea Palma in 1725–1753, with a double order of Corinthian columns, and statues by Ignazio Marabitti. The most interesting pieces of the interior are a font with marble basin (12th–13th century), a silver statue of St. Lucy by Pietro Rizzo (1599), a ciborium by Luigi Vanvitelli, and a statue of the Madonna della Neve («Madonna of the Snow», 1512) by Antonello Gagini.

13. desember: Den hellige Lucia

Slik leste jeg i dag til Matutin, om den hellige Lucia (286-304):

Lucy a virgin of Syracuse, noble by birth and by her Christian faith, went to the tomb of St. Agatha at Catania and obtained the cure for her mother, Eutichia who was suffering from a hemorrhage. Soon after, she gained her mother’s permission to distribute to the poor all the possessions which were to have served as her dowry. As a result of this charitable action, she was accused of being a Christian and brought before Paschasius the Prefect. When neither promises nor threats could induce her to sacrifice the idols, Paschasius became enraged and commanded Lucy to be taken to a place where her virginity would be violated. But the power of God gave the virgin a strength that matched the firmness of her resolution, so that no force could move her where she stood. And so the prefect commanded a fire to be kindled all around here, but the flames did not harm her. After she had suffered many torments, therefore her throat was pierced through with a sword. So wounded she foretold that the Church would have peace after the deaths of Diocletian and Maximilian, and on December 13 she gave up her spirit, to God. Her body was first buried at Syracuse, than taken to Constantinople, and finally transferred to Venice.

Katolsk.no har også en grundig artikkel om den hellige Lucia.

Evangeliet tredje søndag i advent

I dag er evangeliene i den nye og den gamle messen nesten like; i den nye messen hører vi fra Joh 1,6-8.19-28, i den gamle messen Joh 1:19-28. Og slik leste jeg om dette evangeliet i dagens matutinbønn:

Joh 1:19-28
In that time sent from Jerusalem priests and Levites to John, to ask him: Who art thou? … (And so on.)

Homily by Pope St Gregory (the Great) – 7th on the Gospels.
Dearly beloved brethren, the first thing which striketh us in to – day’s Gospel is the lowly – mindedness of John. He was so great that it was thought he might be the Christ; yet he soberly chose rather to seem only what he really was, than to let the belief of men invest him with a dignity which did not belong to him; for he confessed, and denied not, but confessed, I am not the Christ, at the same time he would not deny what he was in reality; and thus his very truth – speaking made him a member of Him Whose title he would not by falsehood take. In that he arrogated not to himself the name of Christ, he became a member of Christ. While he humbly strove to confess his own weakness, he earned by his simplicity a part in the grandeur of his Master.

Katolske og ortodokse menigheter er de som sikrer kirkevekst i Norge i 2011

Også Vårt Land skriver nå om den katolske kirkeveksten – etter at tallene for alle trossamfunn pr 1.1.2011 nylig ble offentliggjort. De skriver bl.a.:

… Dersom man slår sammen andelen nordmenn som er medlem i Den norske kirke, 79 prosent, med andelen av befolkningen som tilhører andre kristne trossamfunn, 6 prosent, blir fasiten 85 prosent.

I forhold er de islamske samfunnene (til sammen vel 2 prosent) og Human-Etisk Forbund (godt under 2 prosent) nokså marginale fenomener på det norske tros- og livssynsmarkedet. …

Også Den norske kirke har færre medlemmer nå enn for seks år siden: 3.848.841 (2011) mot 3.938.723 i 2005. Nedgangen skyldes i stor grad opprydding i det folkekirkelige medlemsregisteret.

I tillegg til Den katolske kirke er det Den ortodokse kirke som kan vise til sterkest vekst i denne perioden. 9.894 mennesker tilhører nå ortodokse kirker i Norge. Tilsvarende tall var 5.028 for seks år siden.

Katolsk medlemsvekst – fordobling på fem år

Bilde over illustrerer en artikkel i Dagen om katolsk medlemsvekst – også Korsets seier skriver om dette i dag. Sistnevnte skriver:

Mens Pinsebevegelsen opplever nedgang i antall medlemmer, og nå er nede i 39.599 medlemmer, er det nå 83.018 medlemmer i den romersk-katolske kirken – mot 43.118 medlemmer for seks år siden.

Det betyr at fra å være omtrent like mange medlemmer, har den katolske kirken doblet seg i forhold til Pinsebevegelsen på bare seks år. …

Veksten har absolutt vært enorm, og tallene i artiklene over er også gamle – fra 1.1.2011. De siste tallene jeg har sett, viser at det er godt over 90 000 registrerte katolikker i hele Norge. (Og fortsatt har vi flere titusen uregistrerte.)

Jeg har nå lest artikkelen fra Statistisk Sentralbyrå som er utgangspunkt for flere avisartikler om dette. Der leser vi bl.a.:

Av dei 4 920 305 personane som var busette i Noreg 1. januar 2011, var 484 500, eller 9,8 prosent, medlemmer i trus- og livssynssamfunn utanfor Den norske kyrkja. Veksten i medlemmer med statstilskot er høgare enn førre året. Nokre nye samfunn har kome til i statistikken for 2011, medan andre samfunn som har vore med tidlegare, ikkje er representerte i år.

Av alle medlemmene i trus- og livssynssamfunn utanfor Den norske kyrkja som får statstilskot, har framleis dei kristne trussamfunna flest, med 266 800 medlemmer, eller 55 prosent. Dei kristne trussamfunna har hatt størst vekst i talet på medlemmer, 21 200, eller om lag 9 prosent. Den romersk-katolske kyrkja er det største kristne trussamfunnet eller trusretning, med 83 000 medlemmer. Talet på medlemmer i Den romersk-katolske kyrkja har auka med 16 000, eller 24 prosent. Denne auken kan sjåast i samanheng med auka innvandring frå andre land, spesielt Polen.

Helt vanlig messefeiring

Eller det burde vel være helt vanlig, for det er den nye (ordinære) messen som feires, av en katolsk biskop, i en vanlig (noen hundre år gammel) katolsk kirke, slik de aller fleste kirker så ut fram til 1965. Men noen vil sikkert mene at det er upassende at kirkens hovedalter (og også kommunionsbenken) brukes, at alle de geistlige samt (de mannlige) ministrantene bruker tradisjonelle klær etc.

Det er biskop Mario Oliveri, i bispedømmet Albenga-Imperia i Italia, som feirer messen – og jeg har tatt dette fra NLM-bloggen.

7. desember: Den hellige Ambrosius av Milano (~339-397)

Slik leste jeg i dag til Matutin:

Ambrose, bishop of Milan, son of Ambrose, who was a Roman citizen, was educated in the City in the liberal arts. Appointed by the prefect Probus to govern Liguria and Aemelia at his order and with his authority. Ambrose went to Milan. There Auxentius the Arian bishop had died and the people were quarreling about the choice of a successor. In the exercise of his official duty, Ambrose went into the church to quell the riot that had arisen and, when he had spoken at length and eloquently on the peace and tranquility of the state, suddenly a boy’s voice exclaimed, «Ambrose bishop!» Then the whole populace with one voice demanded that he be elected. And so he received baptism (for he had been only a catechumen), the other sacraments of the Christian initiation, all the degrees of orders according to the custom of the Church, and was raised to the dignity of the episcopate. In carrying of his office, he courageously defended the Catholic faith and the discipline of the Church both in speech and in writing, and converted many Arians and other heretics to the faith, among whom was St Augustine, whom he begot to Christ Jesus as his spiritual child. Worn out by all his labors and cares for the Church of God he died on April 4 in the year 397.

Artikkelen på katolsk.no forteller mer, bl.a. (til slutt) om hvorfor han feires 7. desember, og ikke på sin dødsdag 4. april:

Den eldste avbildning av ham (til høyre) finnes i et kapell som er viet hans bror Satyrus i Sacello di S. Vittore in Ciel d’Oro i kirken Sant’Ambrogio i Milano, det dreier seg om en mosaikk fra rundt 470. Da Achille Ratti, den senere pave Pius XI, var ved Det ambrosianske Bibliotek i Milano, påpekte han at St. Ambrosius’ høyre øye satt lavere enn det venstre. Som støtte for teorien viste han til dette tidlige portrettet av ham, hvor denne deformitet er umiskjennelig. Til da var alle gått ut fra at det var en feil som skyldtes kunstnerens udyktighet.

I 1295 utnevnte pave Bonifatius VIII Ambrosius til kirkelærer med sammen med Kirkens tre andre store latinske kirkefedre: Augustin, Hieronymus og Gregor den Store. Han har tittelen «den honning-tungede doktor». Han nevnes i den ambrosianske messens kanon.

Hans kult er eldgammel og veletablert. Siden 1000-tallet er hans fest feiret i Roma den 7. desember, dagen for hans bispevielse, og det er også i dag hans minnedag, selv om han noen steder feires den 4. april, dagen for hans død. Hans navn står i Martyrologium Romanum.

Tradisjonell gaudete-søndag-messe feires søndag 11. desember

Gaudéte in Domino semper: iterum dico gaudéte. Modestia vestra nota sit omnibus hominibus: Dominus enim prope est. Nihil solliciti sitis: sed in omni oratione petitiones vestræ innotescant apud Deum. – Gled dere alltid i Herren. Atter sier jeg: gled dere. La deres saktmodighet være tydelig for alle mennesker; for Herren er nær. La ikke uro for noe, men la deres ønsker komme fram for Gud i hver bønn.

Søndag 11. desember kl 19.00 i St Joseph kirke i Akersveien. Se gjerne alle tekstene for dagen på latin og norsk, og gjerne også hele programmet (pdf-fil).

Til inngang synger vi den kjente hymnen:

Å kom, å kom, Immanuel, og frels ditt folk, ditt Israel. På pilgrimsveien venter vi at du, Guds Sønn vår trøst skal bli. Omkved: Å kom, å kom, Immanuel, og frels ditt folk, ditt Israel.

Å friske skudd av Jesse rot, kom til ditt folk som nå gjør bot. Selv konger skal ditt under se, for deg skal alle bøye kne. Omkved:

Å morgen skjær, du rettferds sol, send miskunn fra din kongestol. La syndens dunkle skygger fly for våre lengslers morgengry. Omkved:

Å, kom du Davids nøkkel, kom og åpne himlens helligdom. Lås opp ditt rikes høye sal, før oss fra dødens skyggedal. Omkved:

Og vi har tilgang til rosa messeklær; messehakel, manipel, stola, kalkvelum og burs – men ikke korkåpe, der må vi bruke fiolett.

Datoer for tradisjonelle latinske søndagsmesser i Oslo første halvår 2012

Første halvår 2012 er følgende messer planlagt, og St Joseph kirke bestilt (januar er litt uvanlig pga min ferie, ellers alltid 2. og 4. søndag hver måned):

Søndag 22. januar – 3. søndag etter åpenbaringen
Søndag 29. januar – 4. søndag etter åpenbaringen

Søndag 12. februar – søndag sexagesima
Søndag 26. februar – 1. søndag i fasten

Søndag 11. mars – 3. søndag i fasten
Søndag 25. mars – Pasjonssøndag

Søndag 8. april – Påskedag
Søndag 22. april – 2. søndag etter påske

Søndag 13. mai – 5. søndag etter påske
Søndag 27. mai – Pinsedag

Søndag 10. juni – (Offentlig feiring av) Corpus Christi
Søndag 24. juni – Johannes døperens fødsel

Mer informasjon om messene her.

Aktiv deltakelse i messen, holde hender etc.

En biskop i USA har utgitt liturgiske regler for sitt bispedømme (se her – pdf-fil), og bl.a. skrevet at man ikke skal holde hverandre i hendene under Fader vår. Noen syns (se her) at dette var forferdelig dumt sagt, og Father Z. kommenterer det hele på denne måten:

Correctly understood, the “full, conscious and active participation” desired by the Council Fathers is rooted in our baptismal character, which makes it possible to receive graces and the other six sacraments. “Active participation” is first and foremost an interiorly active receptivity to all that God is offering. This interiorly active receptivity requires the person to make acts of will to stay focused and attentive to the mysteries of the sacred action. This interior receptivity at times manifests itself outwardly in physical expression, especially in the words people speak as responses, prescribed prayers recited in common during the liturgical action, certain gestures such as kneeling or standing of making the sign of the Cross, and at times walking in procession, as in the case of going forward to receive Holy Communion. In fact, reception of Holy Communion by a baptized person in the state of grace is the most perfect form of “full, conscious and active participation”, for its is the perfect harmony of the interior and the exterior of the person’s active receptivity.

On the other hand, some people – liberal liturgists for example – think that active participation means doing things, such as carrying stuff, clapping, singing every word of everything that could be sung, moving about, etc. They are abetted by clerics who think they are “empowering the laity” and helping their “active participation” by surrendering their own proper roles as clerics to any number of lay people. Liberal liturgists talk of baptism as the foundation of “active participation”. They see baptism as conferring rights, especially the right to do things during the liturgical action. …

… A good example of this liturgy rights activism popped up on the site of the extremely liberal US cATHOLIC, penned by their perennially wrong Bryan Cones. They are staging a nutty over there about the liturgical law issued by His Excellency Most Rev. Roger Foys for the Diocese Covington. Among the issues addressed by the bishop is the liturgically bizarre and often liturgically abusive aberration of prompting people to hold hands and wave their arms around during the Our Father of Holy Mass.

Trinitarisk monoteisme – hva er virkelig katolsk – tro og fornuft

I går møtte pave Benedikt medlemmene av Vatikanets ‘Internasjonale teologiske kommisjon’ etter at de hadde fullført en arbeidsøkt. Han tok opp tre punkter – som jeg nevner i overskrifta – fra Vatikanets Information Service:

The Holy Father dedicated his remarks to three themes the Commission has been examining in recent years, turning first to consider the question of God and the understanding of monotheism. Benedict XVI recalled how «behind the Christian profession of faith in the one God lies the daily profession of faith of the People of Israel». However, with the incarnation of Jesus Christ, «the monotheism of the one God came to be illuminated with a completely new light: the light of the Trinity, a mystery which also illuminates brotherhood among men». For this reason theology «can help believers to become aware of and bear witness to the fact that Trinitarian monotheism shows us the true face of God, … and is the source of personal and universal peace».

The Commission has also been studying the criteria whereby a particular form of theology may be considered as «Catholic». On this subject the Pope explained that «the starting point for all Christian theology lies in personal acceptance of divine revelation, of the Word made flesh», in «listening to the Word of God in Holy Scripture». Nevertheless, the history of the Church shows that «recognition of this starting point is not enough to achieve the unity of the faith. The Bible is always necessarily read in a certain context, and the only context in which the believer can be in full communion with Christ is the Church and her living Tradition».

Catholic theology, as it has always done over the course of its history, must continue to pay particular attention to the relationship between faith and reason. Today this is more important than ever, said Pope Benedict, «in order to avoid the violent consequences of a religiosity which opposes reason, and a reason which opposes religion».

Thirdly, the International Theological Commission has been examining the Church’s Social Doctrine in the broader context of Christian doctrine. «The Church’s social commitment is not a merely human activity», Benedict XVI explained, «nor is just a social theory. The transformation of society by Christians over the centuries has been a response to the coming of the Son of God into the world. … The disciples of Christ the Redeemer know that no human community can live in peace without concern for others, forgiveness, and love even for one’s enemies. … In our indispensable collaboration for the common good, even with those who do not share our faith, we must explain the true and profound religious motivations for out social commitment. … People who have understood the foundation of Christian social activity may also find therein a stimulus to consider faith in Jesus Christ».

In conclusion, the Pope highlighted the Church’s great need for theologians’ reflections «on the mystery of God in Jesus Christ and of His Church. Without healthy and vigorous theological activity the Church risks failing to give full expression to the harmony between faith and reason».

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