Tydeligere regler for katolske begravelser i Australia

Det er interessant å merke seg at erkebiskopen i Melbourne, Denis Hart, har utgitt nye regler for hva som skal skje og ikke skje i katolske begravelse:

Football club songs and pop or rock music have been banned from funerals in Catholic churches in Australia under new guidelines distributed this week to priests and funeral directors.

A funeral should not be a «celebration» of the deceased’s life», Archbishop of Melbourne Denis Hart said in the rules, but a final sacred farewell. Celebrations of that life should be held at social occasions before or after the funeral, he said.

«The wishes of the deceased, family and friends should be taken into account … but in planning the liturgy, the celebrant should moderate any tendency to turn the funeral into a secular celebration of the life of the deceased,» the guidelines state.

«Secular items are never to be sung or played at a Catholic funeral, such as romantic ballads, pop or rock music, political songs, football club songs.»

I Norge er vel ikke ønske om å bruke sekulær musikk så sterkt som i enkelte andre land, men ønsket om å fokusere på den avdøde (heller enn å be for ham/henne i messen) merker vi en del til.

Det er Reuters som melder dette, og det tas også opp hos Father Z.

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