I går publiserte de katolske biskopene i England og Wales et brev der de ganske konkret beskriver hva som vil skje med anglikanere som nå ønsker å bli katolikker: De fem anglikanske biskopene vil bli ordinert til katolske prester før fasten begynner neste år, anglikanske prester (ca 50) vli bli ordinert til katolske prester til pinse, de troende vil bli opptatt i Kirkens fulle fellesskap til påske.
Dette er mye raskere enn vanlig, Hovedregelen er at en protestantisk prest skal vente minste tre år før han bli ordinert til katolsk prest, og er han gift (som vel de fleste av disse er), kan det ta mye lenger. Men vår Kirke kommer til å følge den gamle regelen som sier at en gift mann ikke kan bli biskop (og jeg tror alle de fem aktuelle anglikanske biskopene er gift).
It is expected that the retired former Anglican Bishops whose petitions to be ordained are accepted by the CDF, will be ordained to the Catholic Diaconate and Priesthood prior to Lent. This will enable them, together with the Ordinary and the other former Anglican Bishops, to assist with the preparation and reception of former Anglican clergy and their faithful into full communion with the Catholic Church during Holy Week.
Before the beginning of Lent, those Anglican clergy with groups of faithful who have decided to enter the Ordinariate will then begin a period of intense formation for ordination as Catholic priests.
At the beginning of Lent, the groups of faithful together with their pastors will be enrolled as candidates for the Ordinariate. Then, at a date to be agreed between the Ordinary and the local diocesan Bishop, they will be received into the Catholic Church and confirmed. This will probably take place either during Holy Week, at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday or during the Easter Vigil. The period of formation for the faithful and their pastors will continue to Pentecost. Until then, these communities will be cared for sacramentally by local clergy as arranged by the diocesan Bishop and the Ordinary.
Around Pentecost, those former Anglican priests whose petitions for ordination have been accepted by the CDF will be ordained to the Catholic Priesthood. Ordination to the Diaconate will precede this at some point during Eastertide. Formation in Catholic theology and pastoral practice will continue for an appropriate amount of time after ordination. …