
USA TODAY skriver om den tradisjonelle latinske messen

Det er en viss interesse for den tradisjonelle latinske messen (som ble erstattet av dagens vanlige katolske messe på slutten av 60-tallet), men jeg vil vel selv ikke uttrykke denne interessen så tydelig som det kjente nyhetstidskriftet USA TODAY. De skriver:

Fifty years after the traditional Latin Mass was abandoned by the Roman Catholic Church, it is making a comeback.

The Second Vatican Council ruled a half-century ago this month that the Mass could be said in local languages while the priest faced the congregation. The longer Latin Mass involved elaborate choreography, and the priest’s back was toward the pews.

In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI formally allowed the majestic Latin Mass to be more accessible to congregations. Since then, participation has mushroomed. ….

….. «There is a movement among young Catholics to know, discover and preserve their Catholic heritage, and the traditional Latin Mass fits in with that,» said Joseph Kramer, a Rome-based priest and longtime advocate of the Latin Mass. «I think they are drawn to the liturgical richness of the past.»

Though figures on attendance at Latin Masses are not available, there is evidence interest is growing. The International Una Voce Federation, lay groups associated with the Latin Mass, said member organizations are growing in all parts of the world.

«I think people are drawn to the Mass’ beauty and depth and its internal coherence,» said James Bogle, president of the federation.

Les hele artikkelen her.

Blir pave Frans ikke sittende særlig lenge?

Vi har lest ulike nyhetsmeldinger de siste dagene, som pave Frans kommer til å gå av om ikke mange år. Man bør ikke stole på alt som står i avisene eller på nettet, for ofte misforstår journalistene en hel del. Men når det gjelder internasjonale katolske nyheter, stoler jeg alltid på John Allen. Og han skriver 14/3 om denne saken:

Pope Francis marked the second anniversary of his election on Friday with yet another blockbuster media interview, this one with the Mexican network Televisa. One headline from the conversation with veteran Vatican reporter Valentina Alazraki focused on his expectations for a short papacy.

As he has on other occasions, Francis hinted that he doesn’t expect to be around very long. “I have the feeling that my pontificate will be brief … four or five years. I don’t know, even two or three,” he said. The pontiff called this nothing more than a “vague sensation.”

“Maybe it’s like the psychology of the gambler who convinces himself he will lose so he won’t be disappointed, and if he wins, he’s happy,” Francis said. “But I feel that the Lord has placed me here for a short time, and nothing more … But I always leave the possibility open.”

This isn’t the first time the pontiff has augured a short reign. …..

Allen legger til at paven har snakket om dette bare når han har blitt direkte spurt om det, at han var 76 år da han ble valgt, og at alle husker meget godt hvordan pave Benedikt abdiserte for to år siden. Så skriver han videre:

And yet … if you want a five-star, banner headline-style insight about this pope, here it is: Beneath his humble, simple exterior lies the mind of a brilliant politician. He’s a media- and politics-savvy figure, and so the question has to be asked: What political advantage does Francis derive from publicly suggesting he’ll have a short shelf life?

Three points suggest themselves.

1. Mobilizing his base
First, it helps Francis mobilize his base by dropping hints that they may not have very long to take full advantage of having him at the top of the system. …

2. Putting off the opposition
Logically speaking, forecasts of a short papacy might have the same impact on his opposition, but in fact, they may actually have the effect of encouraging it to bide its time. …

3. Making the job manageable
The third advantage Francis may derive from talking about a short papacy is making the job more manageable for himself.

As it’s come to be understood in our time, the papacy is really an impossible post. …

Les mer hos John Allen selv.

Er det virkelig nødvendig å melde seg inn i sitt eget kirkesamfunn i Norge?

Vårt Land skriver i dag at den finske og den islandske (i tillegg til den svenske, som vi hørte om før) kirke har skrevet inn medlemmer i sin kirke i Norge uten å spørre dem personlig om det er i orden, og at de aldri hadde trodd at de gjorde noe galt (siden disse personene jo er medlemmer i den svenske/finske/islandske kirke).

Den islandske kirken sier følgende om dette:

… Det vil også være en kjempebyrde for menigheten dersom de må legge om medlemsregistreringen slik at alle islendingene som flytter til Norge må melde seg inn selv.

Marcussen regner med at det vil ta ett til to år å bygge opp et medlemsregister som følger kravet om aktiv innmelding. Menigheten vil bli nødt til å ansette personer for å kontakte alle medlemmene. I tillegg kommer utgifter til for eksempel porto. «Alt må bygges opp på nytt. I mellomtiden vil vi få mindre inntekter», sier hun.

Den islandske menigheten mener Fylkesmannen er velinformert om hvordan medlemslistene lages – både i forarbeidet da tilskuddsordningen ble endret i 2006, og i årene som er gått. Derfor er de overrasket over den drastiske endringen av lovtolkningen.

– Dette er en så omfattende endring at dersom den er korrekt, bør det stilles spørsmål ved om den burde vært gjort i lov eller forskrift. Vi må også få varsel i god tid og tilstrekkelig frist til å legge om rutiner.

Vårt Land skriver også noe om mangel på informasjon:

Årets rundskriv fra Kulturdepartementet om tilskuddsordningen er tydelig på at medlemmene selv må melde seg inn:

«For at en person skal kunne bli registrert som tilhørende et trossamfunn utenfor Den norske kirke etter trossamfunnsloven, må vedkommende selv melde seg inn eller bli innmeldt av foreldrene eller vergen hvis han/hun er under 15 år.»

Problemet for de nordiske kirkene er at denne formuleringen er ny av året. Hverken i rundskrivene fra 2014, 2013, 2012 eller 2011 er innmeldingsmetoden berørt.

– Det kan virke som om denne formuleringen er snekret for å ramme praksisen til Den katolske kirke, sier Thor Gardarsson, advokat tilknyttet menigheten.

Det kan godt tenkes at Vårt land har fått denne informasjonen også fra andre, men for en uke siden (3/3) sendte jeg følgende informasjon til flere av Vårt Lands journalister:

Muligens er det én ting dere ikke vet; at reglene om medlemskapsregistrering (som dere siterer) – første gang ble sendt ut til trossamfunnene tidlig i februar 2015, SE HER. Slik var reglene i 2014 – mye mindre presise. Og her fra 2009.

Den katolske kirke har tabbet seg ut ved å registrere mennesker uten å være helt sikre på at de er katolikker, men den enorme utvidelsen denne saken nå har fått, virker nokså .. sprø.

Det avgjørende blir jo hva Stortinget har ønsket og ønsker skal skje med skattepengene fra de hundretusener av mennesker som tilhører et annet trossamfunn enn Den norske kirke, og om det er rett å dømme folk for regler som ikke var særlig klare for så lite som noen få måneder siden.

Vårt Land avslutter artikkelen med å skrive at det med krav og egeninnmelding nå virker en hel del mindre klart: «Jeg er usikker på om selvinnmelding er et så bombastisk krav som jeg beskrev i forrige intervju, sier Helstad (hos Fylkesmannen) til Vårt Land nå.»

Opplevde pave Frans et mirakel?

John Allen skriver her om sin siste bok: «The Francis Miracle: Inside the Transformation of the Pope and the Church», at han har fått mange reaksjoner på tittelen.

Han skriver at tittelen ikke er en evaluering av pave Frans’ arbeid så langt, men:

… the point is that there’s something about this pope that can’t be adequately accounted for in terms of purely human calculations, something that requires a supernatural or mystical point of reference in order to be properly understood.

In a nutshell, the enigma is this: What accounts for the sharp contrast between Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Argentina and Pope Francis today?

For sure, that contrast is not absolute. During his 15 years as the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Bergoglio was committed to the poor, strove to re-light the Church’s missionary fires, and lived a life of gospel simplicity. All are traits he’s carried into the papacy.

Yet there clearly is a difference in style and personality, because the Bergoglio of Argentina was nobody’s idea of a pop culture sensation.

The cardinal rarely appeared in public and almost never gave formal interviews. When he did have to take the public stage, friends would call him “shy” and critics “boring.” Nobody came away saying he turned the world on with his smile. In fact, it’s hard to find a photo of a beaming Bergoglio taken before his election two years ago.

Neither was he the spontaneous, shoot-from-the-hip sound bite machine the world sees today. He came off as more controlled, more circumspect, always preferring to operate quietly behind the scenes rather than in public view.

When I asked her in April 2013 what she made of the change, Maria Elena Bergoglio, the pope’s only surviving sibling, said jokingly: “I don’t recognize this guy!”

Allen skriver også om en kardinal som har snakket med pave Frans, og som har en forklaring på denne dramtatiske personlighetsforandringen:

“Over Christmas 2013, a veteran Latin American cardinal who has known Bergoglio for decades made an appointment to see his old friend in the Santa Marta, the hotel on Vatican grounds where the pope has chosen to reside. (He lives in Room 201, a slightly larger room than the one he stayed in during the conclave that elected him, giving the pontiff enough space to receive guests comfortably).

“The cardinal, who didn’t wish to be named, said he looked at Francis and, referring to the exuberance and spontaneity that are now hallmarks of his public image, said to him point-blank: ‘You are not the same man I knew in Buenos Aires. What’s happened to you’?

“According to the cardinal, this was Francis’ answer:

“ ‘On the night of my election, I had an experience of the closeness of God that gave me a great sense of interior freedom and peace,’ the cardinal quoted the pope as saying, ‘and that sense has never left me.’ ”

Les hele artikkelen her.

Inter Oecumenici – 7. mars 1965

Dokumentet Inter Oecumenici ble utgitt av Consilium (komiteen nedsatt for å implementere Vatikankonsilets bestemmelser om liturgien) 26. september 1964, og bestemmelsene i dette dokumentet skulle tre i kraft 1. søndag i fasten kommende år, 7. mars 1965. Det var altså dette dokumentet som fikk pave Paul VI til å feire den første messen (stort sett) på italiensk denne dagen.

Om bruk av morsmålet sier Inter Oecumenici:

57. For Masses, whether sung or recited, celebrated with a congregation, the competent, territorial ecclesiastical authority on approval, that is, confirmation, of its decisions by the Holy See, may introduce the vernacular into:

a. the proclaiming of the lessons, epistle, and gospel; the universal prayer or prayer of the faithful;
b. as befits the circumstances of the place, the chants of the Ordinary of the Mass, namely, the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus-Benedictus, Agnus Dei, as well as the introit, offertory, and communion antiphons and the chants between the readings;
c. acclamations, greeting, and dialogue formularies, the Ecce Agnus Dei, Domine, non sum dignus, Corpus Christi at the communion of the faithful, and the Lord’s Prayer with its introduction and embolism.

Missals to be used in the liturgy, however, shall contain besides the vernacular version the Latin text as well.

58. The Holy See alone can grant permission for use of the vernacular in those parts of the Mass that the celebrant sings or recites alone.

59. Pastors shall carefully see to it that the Christian faithful, especially members of lay religious institutes, also know how to recite or sing together in Latin, mainly with simple melodies, the parts of the Ordinary of the Mass proper to them.

Og om forandringer i rubrikkene sier Inter Oecumenici bl.a.:

48. Until reform of the entire Ordo Missae, the points that follow are to be observed:

a. The celebrant is not to say privately those parts of the Proper sung or recited by the choir or the congregation.
b. The celebrant may sing or recite the parts of the Ordinary together with the congregation or choir.
c. In the prayers at the foot of the altar at the beginning of Mass Psalm 42 is omitted. All the prayers at the foot of the altar are omitted whenever there is another liturgical rite immediately preceding.
d. In solemn Mass the subdeacon does not hold the paten but leaves it on the altar.
e. In sung Masses the secret prayer or prayer over the gifts is sung and in other Masses recited aloud.
f. The doxology at the end of the canon, from Per ipsum through Per omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen, is to be sung or recited aloud. Throughout the whole doxology the celebrant slightly elevates the chalice with the host, omitting the signs of the cross, and genuflects at the end after the Amen response by the people.
g. In recited Masses the congregation may recite the Lord’s Prayer in the vernacular along with the celebrant; in sung Masses the people may sing it in Latin along with the celebrant and, should the territorial ecclesiastical authority have so decreed, also in the vernacular, using melodies approved by the same authority.
h. The embolism after the Lord’s Prayer shall be sung or recited aloud.
i. The formulary for distributing holy communion is to be, Corpus Christi. As he says these words, the celebrant holds the host slightly above the ciborium and shows it to the communicant, who responds: Amen, then receives communion from the celebrant, the sign of the cross with the host being omitted.
j. The last gospel is omitted; the Leonine Prayers are suppressed.
k. It is lawful to celebrate a sung Mass with only a deacon assisting.
l. It is lawful, when necessary, for bishops to celebrate a sung Mass following the form used by priests.

Endelig Android 5 på min mobiltelefon

Jeg hadde ventet på det ganske mange uker, nylig ble følgende melding lagt ut på nett:

Android 5.0.2, Lollipop, on Moto G (1st Gen. & 2nd Gen.) is now rolling out in phases.
It is not yet available for pull.
If you own a Moto G, you will receive a notification on your phone when you are able to update.
Please be patient — we’ll get to you soon!

Lørdag ettermiddag var tida inne for Motorola G i Norge, og sent lørdag kveld var installasjonen på plass – med ganske store forbedringer, syns jeg. Designet er blitt bedre, flere funksjoner kan sees og brukes mens skjermen er låst, og batteriet ser ut til å vare en hel del lenger.

Norsk Wikipedia har følgende informasjon om nye funksjoner i Android 5:

Forbedret varslingssystem
Design endringer, inkludert for nylig brukte app-er
Dalvik VM ble erstattet av Android Runtime (ART) som kjører programmer raskere og er kryssplatform.
Forbedret batterilevetid (Project Volta)
5 000 nye applikasjonsgrensesnitt (API-er) for app-utviklere
Diverse bedriftsfunksjoner (Android for Work)

50 år siden første messe ble feiret på morsmålet

7. mars feiret pave Paul VI det som regnes som første messe på morsmålet (selv om jeg tro en del ting fortsatt var på latin, som Canon). Vi leser om dette på NLM-bloggen:

On March 7, 1965, Blessed Paul VI…celebrated the first Mass in Italian in history in the parish of Ognissanti (All Saints), Rome,” Vatican Information Services tells us. … This anniversary, and the celebration of it, may seem a little anomalous—after all, the ‘new’ Mass came into force on the first Sunday of Advent in 1969. Why the celebrations now?

March 7th, 1965, was in fact the date on which the Instruction Inter Oecumenici “On the Proper Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy,” dated September 26, 1964, came into force. It was the first significant implementation of the liturgical reform. Hence Paul VI’s words at the beginning of his homily at Oggnisanti: “Today we inaugurate the new form of liturgy in all the parishes and churches of the world.” …

… Let us return to the church of Ognissanti on the Via Appia Nuova in Rome’s Appio-Latino quarter, and “the first Mass in Italian in history” celebrated by Paul VI (well, given the canon &c., mostly in Italian). To arrive at an extensive use of the vernacular merely 459 days after the promulgation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy on December 4, 1963, was quite an accomplishment—a direct fruit of the requests submitted by the Italian bishops to the Consilium and of the prompt and positive responses it increasingly gave to such requests.

The leadership of the Consilium and, seemingly, most Italian bishops, regarded the maximum use of the vernacular as being of great importance, if not as indispensable, in achieving a participatory and truly pastoral liturgy. “The fundamental norm from today and in the future is to pray understanding every phrase and word, to complete [them] with our personal feelings, and to make them one with the soul of the community that sings with us in unison,” Paul VI said in his homily.

Indeed, reading the memoirs of the Consilium’s Secretary, Annibale Bugnini CM, it becomes clear that the question of arriving at a liturgy that was completely in the vernacular was a burning quest which left the clearly nuanced provisions of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy far behind (“In Masses which are celebrated with the people, a suitable place may be allotted to their mother tongue” § 54; see also § 36). Bugnini himself had to admit that “it cannot be denied that the principle, approved by the Council, of using the vernaculars was given a broad interpretation.” Indeed, he held—somewhat arrogantly—that since its introduction “millions and hundreds of millions of the faithful…have at last achieved worship in spirit and truth” and “can at last pray to God in their own languages and not in meaningless sounds.” Paul VI himself asserted that March 7th, 1965, was “a great event, that shall be remembered as the beginning of a flourishing spiritual life, as a new effort to participate in the great dialogue between God and man.” …..

Den katolske registrerings»skandalen»

Det er trist og tragisk at vår biskop er blitt politianmeldt, og det er heller ingen tvil om at måten en hel del katolikker har blitt registrert på de siste årene, har vært kritikkverdig.

Men det er ikke slik at Den katolske kirke har fått støtte for flere katolikker enn det som fins i Norge, faktisk er det motsatt. I flere år har vi regnet med at det har vært minst 50.000 flere katolikker i Norge enn det Kirken har søkt støtte for hvert år, og for 2014 vil jeg anslå at det bor ca 225.000 katolikker i vårt land.

Den katolske kirke er i sannhet overnasjonal, og de eneste grensene den har er mellom bispedømmer og menigheter. Og når en katolikk flytter fra en by (eller et land) til et nytt sted, tilhører han/hun automatisk menigheten på det nye stedet etter noen få måneder. Det er jo det samme system som Den norske kirke har i Norge, men det blir mer komplisert når vår Kirke er internasjonal. En utenlandsk katolikk melder seg altså ikke inn i Den katolske kirke her i Norge, men melder flytting hit.

Hvordan slik flytting skal registreres, har dessverre vært nokså uklart i lang tid. Inntil Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Akershus i fjor høst bestemte at de som hadde blitt registrert de siste fem år både må bekrefte at de er katolikker og at de ønsker å bli registrert som medlemmer. Det får vi nok godta, selv om det for oss er nok å få bekreftet at de virkelig er katolikker. Nå har vi arbeidet hardt tre måneder og fått bekreftet flere titalls tusen av de som hadde blitt registrert disse årene.

Og hvis Kirken bruker store nok ressurser på å finne og få bekreftet katolikker i årene framover, vil jo antallet registrerte katolikker fortsette å stige. Så det store problemet (for mange), at antallet katolikker vokser så kraftig, vil jo fortsette så lenge innvandringen fortsetter.

Pave Frans snakker med prestene i Roma om liturgien

Vi kan her lese om et møte pave Frans hadde med alle Romas prester torsdag 19. februar:

The liturgy should help the faithful enter into God’s mystery and to experience the wonder of encountering Christ, Pope Francis told priests of the diocese of Rome.
People should feel the wonder and allure «that the apostles felt when they were called, invited. It attracts — wonder attracts — and it lets you reflect,» the pope said during an annual Lenten meeting with Rome pastors in the Paul VI audience hall.

Sitting behind a table and talking off-the-cuff, glancing occasionally at a few pages of notes in front of him, the pope led the pastors Thursday in a reflection on the homily and «ars celebrandi,» the art of celebrating the liturgy well. ….

Pope Francis told the priests that «the homily is a challenge for priests» and he said he, too, had his own shortcomings — pointed out in a reflection he prepared for a plenary meeting of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments on «ars celebrandi» in 2005.

As Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, he was a cardinal-member of the congregation. After he presented the reflection, he said, Cardinal Joachim Meisner «reprimanded me a bit strongly over some things,» as well as then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who «told me that something very important was missing in the ‘ars celebrandi,’ which was the feeling of being before God. And he was right, I had not spoken about this,» he said, adding that both cardinals had given him good advice. …

Les mer hos National Catholic Reporter.

Liturgibloggen PrayTell har også en lang og interessant diskusjon om dette.

Tradisjonell latinsk messe i Oslo søndag 22. februar

Søndag 22. februar kl 08.00 feires den tradisjonelle latinske messen i St Hallvard kirkes kapell.

Det er 1. søndag i fasten som feires, og alle messens tekster og bønner kan leses her.

I epistelen fra 2. Kor. 6, 1-10 på denne søndagen hører vi bl.a.:

Brødre, vi legger dere på hjerte at dere ikke til unytte må ta imot Guds nåde. For han sier: «I den tid som tektes meg, har jeg bønnhørt deg, og på frelsens dag har jeg hjulpet deg.» Se, nå er den høvelige tid, nå er frelsens dag! …

Den tradisjonelle liturgiske kalenderen for 2015

Ved slutten av året er det ofte vanskelig å finne det nye årets tradisjonelle liturgiske kalender (sannsynligvis ønsker man å selge papirutgavene først). Men nå er de på plass, og kan leses på følgende steder:

FSSPs kalender kan man finne her.

Og Latin Mass Society i England har en enda grundigere kalender her.

PÅ nettsidene for den tradisjonelle latinske messen i Oslo er det også listet opp hvilke messer som feires hver søndag i 2015, se her.

To år siden pave Benedikts svært overraskende kunngjøring


Det er i dag to år siden pave Benedikt kunngjorde at han ville gå av som pave. Den skotske erkebiskopen Leo Cushley skriver om hvordan han opplevde det:

Once the Holy Father had been readied for the Liturgy of the Hours, we all followed him into the Sala del Concistoro to pray with the waiting cardinals. We sang midday prayer for the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes (February 11) then Cardinal Angelo Amato made his announcement regarding those soon to be promoted to the altars. So far so good.

The Holy Father then took the floor. This was the first time I had sat in a consistory, so I had no idea if this was normal or not. He spoke in Latin, so a greater effort than normal was going to be required by all of us – Italian being the normal language of the Curia – so a little strain was evident as we tried to grasp where he was going.

Within seconds it was clear what was happening. This was no ordinary address. He did not speak about the consistory and the soon-to-be saints, or a few changes in administration, or the anniversary of the Lateran treaties, or the end of the historic dispute with Italy. Instead, he made history. I felt my stomach turn over as I realised that here before us was something not seen for centuries: the voluntary resignation of the Roman Pontiff.

It seemed that, in slow motion before me, an assistant television cameraman put his hand to his mouth in a cartoonlike gesture of astonishment, the monsignor sitting next to me started to sob quietly, Archbishop Gänswein’s shoulders seemed to drop. The cardinals leaned forward to make sure they understood precisely what was being said and I found myself checking that my jaw wasn’t dropping open. Then there was silence.

Erkebiskop Gänswein uttaler seg om kommunion for gjengifte

Det danske Katolsk Orientering har i sitt siste nummer følgende hovedoppslag:

Ingen uoverensstemmelse mellem de to paver om kommunion til gengifte
Det siger pave emeritus personlige sekretær ærkebiskop George Gänswein.

Flere medier har i den senere tid antydet, at der skulle være en uoverensstemmelse mellem pave Frans og pave emeritus Benedikt XVI’s syn på spørgsmålet om gengifte fraskiltes adgang til kommunionen. Det afvises nu af den tyske ærkebiskop George Gänswein i et interview i det tyske ugemagasin Christ & Welt, hvor han kalder denne påståede uoverensstemmelse for ”kunstig”.

”Jeg deler ikke denne opfattelse”, siger han. ”Det er en kunstig modsætning, som ikke eksisterer. Paven er den øverste garant og beskytter af Kirkens lære og samtidig dens øverste hyrde og præst. Der er ikke en modsætning mellem undervisningen og den pastorale omsorg – de er tvillinger”.

Ærkebiskop Gänswein kalder det ”absurd” at hævde, at pave Frans læremæssige udtalelser skulle modsige hans forgængere. ”Én ting er tydeligt at understrege den pastorale indsats fordi situationen kræver det. Noget helt andet er at ændre undervisningen. Jeg kan kun agere pastoralt følsomt, konsekvent og samvittighedsfuld når det sker på grundlag af den fulde katolske lære. Sakramenternes indhold er ikke overladt til præsternes eget skøn, men er blevet givet af Vorherre til Kirken. Det gælder navnlig ægteskabets sakramente”.

Ærkebiskoppen afviser også at Benedikt XVI skulle havde ændret konklusionen i en artikel om kommunion for gengifte fraskilte fra 1972 med det formål at påvirke sidste års ekstraordinære synode om familien. ”Revideringen af den nævnte artikel fra 1972 var afsluttet og sendt til forlæggeren lang tid inden synoden. Enhver forfatter har selvfølgelig lov til at rette i sine egne tekster. Enhver velinformeret person vil vide, at pave Benedikt ikke har delt konklusionerne i den omtalte artikel siden 1981, altså i mere end 30 år! Som præfekt for Troslærekongregationen har han tydligt givet udtryk for dette i forskellige kommentarer”.

Gänswein afviser også rygtet om, at flere bekymrede kardinaler skulle have bedt pave emeritus’ om at gribe ind under den ekstraordinære familiesynode som ”rent opspind”. ..

LES ALT SAMMEN HER – erkebiskopen uttaler seg også om pave Benedikts abdikasjon om mulige stridigheter i kurien.

Nye presters holdninger

I en del år nå, kanskje så mye som 15-20, har nyordinerte prester oftest vært mer konservative enn eldre prester. Om dette har fortsatt også de aller siste årene er jeg litt usikker på, men jeg tror egentlig det. Liturgibloggen PrayTell skriver ganske interessant om dette i et grundig innlegg med mange kommentarer. De innleder slik:

Pray Tell has heard increasing reports in the last few years about difficulties with some recently ordained priests. There are divisions in some parishes because some younger guys are more traditional or conservative or legalistic than much of their flock. This seems to be an important issue that needs addressing. To get the conversation going, Pray Tell went to some folks we knew in diocesan offices and asked them to reflect on the issue as constructively as possible. …

Et par av innleggene er nokså kritiske til de unge prestene, mens et tredje innlegg er mer balansert og skriver bl.a. at hvis en prest forandrer for mye i liberal (som vel var mest typisk rundt 1970) eller konservativ retning, vil det skape spenning i menigheten:

I would like to begin with an observation: this is an issue at both ends of the theological-political spectrum. While it may be more common now for new priests to be more “rigid” in their application of liturgical norms, we also have a history of those who have been much too “lax” in their approach to applying the same. Both would claim the “desire to do the right thing” as their motivation, and both—regardless of intention—can harm, and have harmed, the Church.

Is it an issue of maturity? On the one hand, there may be an inability to think outside of black-and-white categories, or a desire for security that is, in the end, illusory. If so, assuming that time alone will be corrective may be a dangerous assumption. Those attitudes may, instead, be perpetuated in the seminary environment. Such candidates need to be challenged early in their formation. …..

Film om dødsleirene

27. januar feires Den internasjonale holocaustdagen, og et par dager etterpå så jeg en interessant film kalt «Møtet med dødsleirene», som man fortsatt kan se her (bare fram til 16/2). Filmen presenteres slik:

Br.dokumentar. De første britiske fotografene som var med inn i de tyske konsentrasjoinsleirene i april 1945, møtte en sjokkerende virkelighet. Først nå, 70 år etter krigen, blir disse bildene vist i en nyprodusert dokumentar. Kjente regissører som Alfred Hitchcock og Sidney Bernstein var med å dokumentere dødsleirene, men filmen ble stanset av britiske myndigheter av hensyn til samarbeidet med Tyskland etter krigen. I dag vises filmen på en rekke TV-stasjoner i forbindelse med den internasjonale Holocaust – dagen.

Tradisjonell messe fra England 1962

Jeg feirer ikke den tradisjonelle latinske messen så ofte nå som jeg gjorde for 3-5 år siden, men når jeg feirer den (som sist søndag) oppleves den alltid som klar og tydelig og velfungerende. Dessverre er denne svært gamle liturgien nå nesten blitt helt glemt, og den nye messen (litt avhengig av hvordan den feires) oppleves ofte som veldig forskjellig. I videoen under ser vi julens midnattsmesse fra Ushaw college i Durham; en høymesse med vanlige seremonier, men med mange dyktige ministranter og et veldig stort kor. (Selve messen begynner etter ca 8 minutter.)

Jeg fant videoen hos New Litugical Movement.

Pave Frans gleder seg over store familier

På sin tur til Sri Lanka og Filippinene sa pave Frans enkelte ting som ikke var ganske upresise, og som ble slått stort opp i media. Men under dagens onsdagsaudiens i Vatikanet, sa han bl.a. dette:

The meetings with families and young people at Manila, were salient moments of the visit to the Philippines. Healthy families are essential to the life of society. It gave us consolation and hope to see so many large families that welcome children as a true gift of God. They know that every child is a gift of God. I heard it said that families with many children and the birth of so many children are among the causes of poverty. It seems to me to be a simplistic opinion. I can say that the main cause of poverty is an economic system that has removed the person from the center and put the god of money there; an economic system that excludes, that always excludes, children, the elderly, the youth, without work…- and that creates the throwaway culture that we live in. Recalling the figure of Saint Joseph, who protected the life of the “Holy Child,” so venerated in that country, I reminded that it is necessary to protect the families that face different threats, so that they can witness the beauty of the family in God’s plan. It is also necessary to defend them from the new ideological colonizations, which attempts threatens their identity and their mission.

Les alt han sa under denne audiensen – om turen til om Sri Lanka og Filippinene

Tradisjonell latinsk messe i Oslo søndag 25. januar

Søndag 25. januar kl 08.00 feires den tradisjonelle latinske messen i St Hallvard kirkes kapell.

Det er 3. søndag etter åpenbaringen som feires, og alle messens tekster og bønner kan leses her.

I evangeliet på denne søndagen hører vi bl.a.:

Og da Jesus var gått inn i Kapernaum, kom en høvedsmann til ham og ba ham og sa: «Herre, gutten min ligger lam hjemme og lider meget.» Jesus sa til ham: «Jeg skal komme og gjøre ham frisk.» Og høvedsmannen svarte og sa: «Herre, jeg er ikke verdig til at du går inn under mitt tak. Men si bare ett ord, så blir gutten min frisk. …. Og Jesus sa til høvedsmannen: «Gå, og det skal gå som du har trodd.» Og gutten ble frisk i den samme timen.

Mer informasjon om disse messene her.

Dokumentet «Dominus Jesus» under angrep?

Nokså overraskende leste jeg hos Sandro Magister at det kjente dokumentet Dominus Jesus fra år 2000 (LES DET HER), om Jesus som eneste vei til frelse, og et tillegg om hva som kreves for å virkelig kunne kalles en Kirke. Jesuitten Jacques Dupuis kritiserer dokumentet i en bok som kom ute etter hans død, skriver Magister, og:

The Bolognese historian (Professor Alberto Melloni) dismisses “Dominus Iesus” as “the most fragile document of the Wojtylian pontificate,” portrays it as “not accepted by Catholic theologians” and attributes its composition – on a par with the notification that Dupuis was made to sign at that time – to the “incompetence” of unspecified “collaborators of the congregation,” which Ratzinger “in direct conversations demonstrated he did not value and did not know,” and to which John Paul II “did not react,” in spite of the fact that the “maneuver” had as its “target” – again in Melloni’s view – precisely “the papacy of Wojtyla and his peculiar fidelity to Vatican II, the prayer of Assisi on the on hand and the ‘mea culpa’ of the Jubilee, his ecumenical attitude, his ideas about the God of the Quran and about the permanence of Israel’s covenant.”

Men kardinal Ratzinger skriver selv om hvordan pave Johannes Paul tydelig støttet utgivelsen av dette dokumentet, og forstod hva det handlet om:

In refutation of the timidity and indolence of Ratzinger and John Paul II, who according to Melloni permitted rather than intended the composition and publication of “Dominus Iesus,” letting it be done by anyone whatsoever, there is no mistaking what the pope emeritus wrote a year ago in a book on pope Wojtyla:

“Among the documents on various aspects of ecumenism, the one that prompted the greatest reaction was the declaration ‘Dominus Iesus’ of 2000, which summarizes the indispensable elements of the Catholic faith. […]

“In the face of the firestorm that had developed around ‘Dominus Iesus,’ John Paul II told me that he intended to defend the document unequivocally at the Angelus. He invited me to write a text for the Angelus that would be, so to speak, airtight and not subject to any different interpretation whatsoever. It had to be completely unmistakable that he approved the document unconditionally.

“So I prepared a brief address: I did not intend, however, to be too brusque, and so I tried to express myself clearly but without harshness. After reading it, the pope asked me once again: ‘Is it really clear enough?’ I replied that it was.

“Those who know theologians will not be surprised that in spite of this there were afterward some who maintained that the pope had prudently distanced himself from that text.”

Dr. Kwasniewskis siste bok – om liturgien

15jan_resurgent I går mottok jeg – fra – flere bøker (mest om liturgi, som vanlig), bl.a. den helt nye Resurgent in the Midst of Crisis av dr. Peter Kwasniewski. Boka har følgende informasjon og lovprisninger på omslaget:

“I heartily recommend Peter Kwasniewski’s new book for those struggling to come to terms not only with what happened to the liturgy of the Catholic Church, but with why those changes have had such disastrous consequences. As he shows in one aspect after another of the Mass, the changes have taken us further away from that inner transformation of the worshipper which is a secondary purpose of the liturgy, after the worship of God.”
— JOSEPH SHAW, President of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales

“To come out of the present crisis we need to restore the liturgy in all its sacredness. Resurgent in the Midst of Crisis is a very important work that leads us to meditate in depth on the permanent value, theological centrality, and beauty of the traditional liturgy of the Church.”
— MSGR. IGNACIO BARREIRO, Executive Director of HLI’s Rome Office

“Peter Kwasniewski is one of a handful of 21st-century Catholic authors really in touch with our tradition who can, at the same time, carefully explain what is at stake in both the Catholic intellectual world and the culture as a whole. He is devastating in delivering his points, which he makes without wasting a word.”
— ROGER A. MCCAFFREY, President of Roman Catholic Books

“Combining deeply human insight with supernatural faith, Prof. Kwasniewski presents a compelling case for the continuing necessity of the traditional Latin Mass for the Church’s life and mission. Without questioning the validity of the modern rite, he illuminates in many ways how the older liturgy more clearly expresses the Faith and more richly nourishes the faithful.”
— FR. THOMAS KOCIK, author of Reform of the Reform? A Liturgical Debate: Reform or Return

“The topics of these essays are all of vital importance to our appre­ciation of the Church’s liturgy. With an abundance of wit and learning, Dr. Kwasniewski offers invaluable encouragement towards a greater love and greater understanding of our liturgical tradition.”
— GREGORY DIPIPPO, managing editor of New Liturgical Movement

“The author presents a well-argued, documented case that the present crisis in the Church will not be overcome until there is a return to the traditional Latin liturgy, a revival of the true social teaching of the Church, and a restoration of the study of St. Thomas Aquinas in our seminaries and colleges.”
— FR. KENNETH BAKER, Editor Emeritus, Homiletic & Pastoral Review

About the Author

PETER KWASNIEWSKI has taught and written on a wide variety of subjects, especially the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas, sacramental and liturgical theology, the history and aesthetics of music, and the social doctrine of the Church. After teaching at the International Theological Institute in Austria, he joined the founding team of Wyoming Catholic College, where he currently serves as Professor of Theology and Choirmaster. For twenty-five years Dr. Kwasniewski has also been a director of choirs and scholas, a cantor, and a composer. He writes regularly for The Latin Mass and several popular Catholic weblogs.

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