
Pave Benedikts «stille revolusjon» – han renser opp i Kirken

Et kjent kloster ble nylig stengt i Roma, uten at så mange la merke til det, eller forstod betydningen av det. Men John Allen forklarer hvorfor dette skjedde – og hvordan dette er blitt en del av pave Benedikts permanente politikk:

… For those with eyes to see, the suppression of the Cistercian abbey at the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, one of the traditional seven major pilgrimage sites in Rome, rates far more than placement in a «news of the weird» column. Instead, it’s the latest chapter in what might be called a «Quiet Revolution» under Pope Benedict XVI, referring to a reform in clerical culture beginning in Rome and radiating beyond.

The essence of it is this: it’s the end of the «by their fruits, you shall know them» logic that once translated into a free pass, or at least a strong benefit of the doubt, for superstar clerics and high-profile groups charged with misconduct. Once upon a time, the working assumption in officialdom often was that if someone is doing great good for the church, then allegations of sexual or financial impropriety against them were likely bogus, and taking them too seriously risked encouraging the enemies of the faith.

Without great fanfare, Benedict XVI has made it clear that today a new rule applies. No matter how accomplished a person or institution may be, if they’re also involved in what the pontiff once memorably called the «filth» in the church, they’re not beyond reach. …

Les resten selv.

Pave Benedikts tale til liturgikonferanse i Roma 6. mai

Først nå er en engelsk oversettelse av pave Benedikts innledningshilsen ved 50-årsjubileet for det Pavelige Liturgiinstituttet i Roma, St. Anselmo. Jeg har funnet oversettelsen her, og tar under med det jeg syns er viktigst – innledning og avslutning er tatt bort, og jeg har uthevet to-tre ting:

…. On the eve of the Council, in fact, the urgent need for reform in the liturgical sector emerged ever more acutely, also postulated by the requests made by various episcopates. Moreover, the strong pastoral demands that motivated the liturgical movement required that a more active participation of the faithful in liturgical celebrations be encouraged and elicited through the use of national languages. Also necessary was an in-depth examination of the subject of the adaptation of the rites in the various cultures and especially in mission lands.

In addition, the need for a more thorough study of the theological foundation of the Liturgy appeared clear from the outset, in order to avoid lapsing into ritualism or fostering subjectivism and to prevent the celebrant from making himself the centre of attention; and to base the reform firmly found within the context of the Revelation and in continuity with the tradition of the Church. …

Dear friends, the title chosen for the Congress of this Jubilee Year is equally significant: “The Pontifical Liturgical Institute, Between Memory and Prophecy”. As regards memory, we must note the abundant fruits generated by the Holy Spirit in half a century of history and let us thank the Giver of all good for this, despite the misunderstandings and errors in the practical implementation of the reform. …

To the “memory” belongs the very life of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute, which has made its contribution to the Church committed to the reception of the Second Vatican Council, through 50 years of academic liturgical formation. Formation offered in the light of the celebration of the holy mysteries, of comparative liturgy, of the word of God, of liturgical sources, of the Magisterium, of the history of ecumenical requests and of a solid anthropology.

Thanks to this important formative work, a large number of those with degrees and licences now offer their service to the Church in various parts of the world, helping the Holy People of God to live the Liturgy as an expression of the Church in prayer, as a presence of Christ among people and as a constitutive feature of the history of salvation.

In fact, the conciliar Document sheds a clear light on the dual theological and ecclesiological character of the Liturgy. The celebration at the same time brings about an epiphany of the Lord and an epiphany of the Church, two dimensions that unite in the liturgical assembly, where Christ actualizes the Pascal Mystery of death and Resurrection and the people of the baptized draw more abundantly from the sources of salvation. The active presence of Christ subsists in the liturgical action of the Church: what he did as he went about among human beings, he continues to make active through his personal sacramental action whose centre is the Eucharist.

With the term “prophecy”, our gaze opens to new horizons. The Liturgy of the Church goes beyond the “conciliar reform” itself (cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 1), whose aim, in fact, was not primarily to change the rites and the texts, but rather to renew mentalities and to put at the centre of Christian life and ministry the celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Christ.

Unfortunately, perhaps, we too, Pastors and experts, understood the Liturgy as an object to be reformed rather than a subject capable of renewing Christian life, since “A very close and organic bond exists between the renewal of the Liturgy and the renewal of the whole life of the Church. The Church not only acts but also expresses herself in the Liturgy and draws from the Liturgy the strength for her life”. …

The Liturgy, the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed is at the same time the fount from which all her power flows (cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 10), with its celebratory universe thus becomes the great educator in the primacy of the faith and of grace. The Liturgy, a privileged witness of the living Tradition of the Church, faithful to its original duty to reveal and to make present in the hodie of human vicissitudes the opus Redemptionis, lives on a correct and constant relationship between healthy traditio and legitima progressio, which the conciliar Constitution has made lucidly explicit in n. 23.

In their programme of reform, the Council Fathers wished to maintain an equilibrium between both terms, a balance between the great liturgical tradition of the past and that of the future. Tradition and progress are often clumsily opposed. Actually, the two concepts merge: tradition is a living reality, which therefore includes in itself the principle of development, of progress. It is as if to say that the river of tradition also carries its source in itself and flows towards the outlet. …

Universæ Ecclesiæ – nå er dokumentet her

Kolkka 12.05 i dag så jeg etter det nye dokumentet (som skulle punliseres kl 12.00), og fant det med en gang på Father Z’s blogg (men det ligger sikkert ute på mange nettsteder). Han har lenker til hele teksten på engelsk og lating, og også en del kommentarer. SE HER.

Tittelen på dokumentet er»INSTRUCTION on the application of the Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum of HIS HOLINESS POPE BENEDICT XVI given Motu Proprio» – og pkt 8 uttrykker sentrale ting om pave Benedikts ønske for bruken av den tradisjonelle messen:

8. The Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum constitutes an important expression of the Magisterium of the Roman Pontiff and of his munus of regulating and ordering the Church’s Sacred Liturgy. The Motu Proprio manifests his solicitude as Vicar of Christ and Supreme Pastor of the Universal Church, and has the aim of:
a. offering to all the faithful the Roman Liturgy in the Usus Antiquior, considered as a precious treasure to be preserved;
b. effectively guaranteeing and ensuring the use of the forma extraordinaria for all who ask for it, given that the use of the 1962 Roman Liturgy is a faculty generously granted for the good of the faithful and therefore is to be interpreted in a sense favourable to the faithful who are its principal addressees;
c. promoting reconciliation at the heart of the Church.

Dokumentet «Universæ Ecclesiæ» – om den tradisjonelle messen – kommer fredag kl 12

Om man kan lese den ganske lette italiensken under, ser man at instruksjonen om hvordan pave Benedikts dokument «Summorum pontificum» fra 2007 om den tradisjonelle messen skal forstås/tolkes endelig kommer. Journalistene får dokumentet litt i forkant, men det skal ikke frigis før kl 12.00 fredag 13. mai. Det trykkes samme ettermiddag i L’Osservatore Romano, som er datert lørdag 14. mai. Fra Vatikanets informasjonstjeneste:

Venerdì 13 maggio 2011 verrà resa nota dalla Sala Stampa l’Istruzione Universae Ecclesiae della Pontificia Commissione Ecclesia Dei sull’applicazione della Lettera Apostolica Motu Proprio data «Summorum Pontificum» di S.S. Benedetto XVI. L’Istruzione sarà pubblicata sull’edizione pomeridiana dell’Osservatore Romano, con data 14 maggio.

Il testo dell’Istruzione – in lingua latina, italiana, francese, inglese, tedesca, spagnola e portoghese, sarà a disposizione dei giornalisti accreditati a partire dalle ore 10 di venerdì 13 maggio, con embargo fino alle ore 12. Con il testo dell’Istruzione verrà fornita anche una Nota redazionale.

Father Z skriver selvsagt om dette, og da han hadde en gjettekonkurranse om når dokumentet ville komme ut for noen få dager siden, kan jeg skryte av at jeg tippet lørdag 14. mai. Jeg tippet lørdag av to grunner (mens over halvparten trodde det ville ta mer en to uker til); 1) i begynnelsen av april ble det sagt at dokumentet ville komme litt etter påske, 2) jeg syntes det var naturlig å knytte det til den store konferansen i Roma om den tradisjonelle messen denne helga (se her).

«Målet for Vatikankonsilets liturgireform var ikke å forandre messen»

Dette skriver Anna Arco i the Catholic Herald begeistret nå hun forteller om pave benedikts innledning til en liturgisk konferanse i Roma sist uke – og det var nokså progressive krefter som arrangerte konferansen. Anna Arco åpner artikkelen slik: «Pope Benedict has said the objective of Conciliar reform was not to change the rite and texts of the liturgy, but to renew the sense of Paschal Mystery.» Og hun fortsetter:

Addressing a group of liturgists who were meeting for the Ninth International Congress on the Liturgy, organised by the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of Rome’s St Anselm Pontifical Athenaeum, the Pope said: “The liturgy of the Church goes beyond the ‘conciliar reform’, the objective of which in fact was not mainly to change the rites and texts but rather to renew the mentality and to put the celebration of Christ’s Paschal Mystery at the centre of Christian life and pastoral work.

“Unfortunately the liturgy has perhaps been seen – even by us, pastors and experts – more as an object to reform than a subject capable of renewing Christian life, seeing that ‘a very close and organic bond exists between the renewal of the liturgy and the renewal of the whole life of the Church’.”

“The liturgy … lives a proper and constant relationship between sound ‘traditio’ and legitimate ‘progressio’, clearly seen by the conciliar constitution Sancrosanctum Concilium at paragraph 23 … Not infrequently are tradition and progress in awkward opposition. Actually though, the two concepts are interwoven: tradition is a living reality that, in itself, includes the principle of development, of progress”.

The conference, entitled “The Pontifical Liturgical Institute: Between Memory and Prophecy” spanned over three days and focused on the legacy of the liturgy of the past 50 years, really since the Second Vatican Council. Speakers included liturgical luminaries like the electric guitar-playing Abbot Primas Notker Wolf of the Confederation of Benedictines, Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski and veteran liturgist Fr Matias Augé CMF. It also featured a Mass celebrated by Cardinal Godfried Danneels, the Emeritus Archbishop of Brussels-Mechelen – a diocese where most people remain seated during the consecration and the churches are pretty empty. …

Pave Benedikt i Aquileia

Det er noen dager siden nå, men pave Benedikt startet sitt besøk i Nord-Italia sist uke i den gamle storbyen Aquileia – som det nå dessverre er veldig lite igjen av, heller ikke mange ruiner. Paven snakket begeistret om vår kristne tro, både fra tidligere tider da Aquileia var så viktig for Kirkens misjonsvirksomhet, og i vår tid (fra Vatikanradioens nettsider):

… Pope Benedict wasted no time in establishing the themes and the tone of the visit, right from the get-go. In Aquileia, the Holy Father’s first public remarks were at the Piazza del Capitolo outside the Basilica of Aquileia. Often these greetings are really just an exchange of official pleasantries, but this time, Pope Benedict praised the Church of Aquileia in a prose that waxed rhapsodic.

He recalled the ancient roots of the Church, the Aquileian Church’s pivotal role in the evangelization of central Europe and also – this is poignant – in the defence of the true faith against the Arian heresy – a false teaching in the early centuries of the Church, which denied the full divinity of Christ. In this connection, Pope Benedict mentioned the great bishop Cromatius of Aquileia, by name. He was, said Pope Benedict, diligent and attentive as St Augustine of Hippo or St Ambrose of Milan – and St Jerome, a figure not known to praise often or lightly, called him “Holy and learned among the bishops.” So, Pope Benedict celebrated the way in which he worked to serve the Church: a perfect synthesis of learning and loving care for his flock.

But the Holy Father didn’t stop with the praise of Aquileia’s past glories: he also encouraged the faithful of Aquileia and all her daughter Churches in equally thrilling language:

“Dear brothers and sisters,” he said, children and heirs of the glorious Church of Aquileia, I am now among you to admire this rich and ancient tradition, but above all, I am here to confirm you in the deep faith of your fathers: in this hour of history,” he said, “rediscover, defend, and professes with warmth of spirit this fundamental truth.”

Dette bildet (over) tok jeg selv i domkirken i Aquileia i mars 2010, da vi var der. I denne kirken opplevde jeg dessverre også en av mine verste messer noen sinne.

Pave Benedikt i Venezia

Pave Benedikt ble fraktet i dogens egen gondol i Venezia tidligere i dag. Og å finne fire menn til oppgaven viste seg å være ganske vanskelig – SE HER.

Hva sier bind to av «Jesus fra Nasaret» om jødemisjon?

Ingen kan bli frelst uten gjennom jesus Kristus, lærer Den katolske Kirke, men den er nokså mht å forklare hvordan de som ikke har hørt om Jesus skal oppnå denne frelsen – og om hvordan jødene skal bli omvendt til ham. Dette siste ble diskutert en del for et par måneder siden, da pave benedikts andre bind om evangeliene «Jesus fra Nasaret» kom ut. John Allen skrev slik om dette da:

… another point with important (from the book has) implications for Christian/Jewish relations — in effect, that Christianity “must not concern herself with the conversion of the Jews.” The comment comes in Benedict XVI’s book Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week, the full text of which was released today.

While the pope does not affirm a theory propounded by some theologians holding that the Jews will be saved independently of Christ, experts say, he does clearly suggest the church should not be targeting Jews for conversion efforts.

“Israel is in the hands of God, who will save it ‘as a whole’ at the proper time, when the number of Gentiles is full,” the pope writes. The historical duration of this “proper time,” Benedict says, cannot be calculated. …

Allen viser videre i denne artikkelen til at dette spørsmålet er ganske komplisert:

… Almost ten years ago, the late Cardinal Avery Dulles was critical of a joint statement from the National Council of Synagogues and the Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference to the effect that “targeting Jews for conversion to Christianity” is “no longer theologically acceptable in the Catholic Church.”

Dulles replied that the church cannot curtail the scope of the gospel without betraying itself: “Once we grant that there are some persons for whom it is not important to acknowledge Christ, to be baptized and to receive the sacraments, we raise questions about our own religious life,” he wrote.

Subsequently, the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Doctrine issued a clarification in 2009 that most experts regarded as largely upholding the position taken by Dulles. Its conclusion was, “The fulfillment of the covenants, indeed, of all God’s promises to Israel, is found only in Jesus Christ.”

Capuchin Fr. Thomas Weinandy, executive director of the U.S. bishops’ Secretariat for Doctrine, cautioned that Benedict XVI’s lines on Judaism in the new book do not endorse a “two-covenant” theology, meaning that Christianity and Judaism represent two parallel paths to salvation, so that Jews are saved without any reference to Christ.

At the same time, Weinandy said, the pope’s words do clearly indicate that “there’s no specific program that the Catholic church has to convert Jews, which is in God’s time.”

Rabbi Jacob Neusner, a Jewish scholar whose Biblical writings have been praised by Benedict XVI, said the pope’s conciliatory statements about Judaism in Jesus of Nazareth are all the more powerful because they’re grounded in scholarship rather than mere inter-faith diplomacy. “He’s talking about truth, not about convenience,” Neusner said.

Pave Benedikt om misjon blant jøder

Vårt Land har i dag også et interessant oppslag om pave Benedikts syn på jødene og deres omvendelse. Overskrifta (se over) er nokså ubalansert, men så begynner selve artikkelen slik: «Pave Benedikt sier at Israel er i Guds hender. «Kirken må ikke bekymre seg for omvendelse av jødene, men vente på tiden som er fastsatt av Gud.» Denne formuleringen av Benedikt XVI i andre bind av boken Jesus fra Nasaret vekker internasjonal oppsikt. Jeg tror utsagnet må forstås i lys av kirkens forhold til jøder ned gjennom historien, sier Rolf G. Heitinann, generalsekretær i Den Norske Israelsmisjon.»

Rolf Gunnar Heitmann (min venn fra tidlig 80-tall) sier flere fornuftige ting om dette:

Heitmann leder selv en organisasjon som har som mål å få jøder til å tro at Jesus var Messias. Han tolker pavens siste uttalelser om kristen misjon blant jøder som en bekreftelse på det Den katolske kirke vedtok under 2. Vatikankonsil på 60-tallet, nemlig at jødene ikke kan lastes kollektivt for prosessen mot Jesus.

Vi må også huske på at israelsmisjon er noe annet i dag enn tidligere. Å komme til tro på Kristus er ikke det samme som å gi slipp på sin jødiske identitet. Tvert imot: Den kristne tro er jødisk, framholder Heitmann. ….

… Heitmann tror ikke paven nå forfekter det syn at det jødiske folk blir frelst «uavhengig av evangeliet». En slik utvikling vil være svært overraskende, sier Heitmann. Han merker seg at paven understreker Israels spesielle plass i frelseshistorien.

Hvordan tror du pavens uttalelser vil bli oppfattet?

Jeg tror de kan slå begge veier. Noen vil ta det til inntekt for sitt negative syn på israelsniLisjon, men det kan også åpne for en konstruktiv debatt om kirkens jødiske røtter og hva det vil si å være jøde og kristen i dag. En slik debatt hilser jeg mer enn velkommen.

Vårt Lands artikkel viser også til en artikkel av John Allen i Natinal catholic Reporter – en artikkel jeg ser mer på her.

Saligkåring i Roma i går – 1 million mennesker

I en kommentar her på bloggen i går kveld ble det skrevet: «… TV2 viste bilder fra Roma og kommenterte at seremonien hadde begynt ute, men nå var den visst flyttet inn. De viste bilder av kisten foran høyalteret, og programlederen kommenterte at det trolig var pave Johannes Pauls legeme som var i kisten, men at de ikke hadde fått det bekreftet. Men de anså det som sannsynlig. På 21-nyhetene var det ingenting om den “såkalte saligkåringen” som de så treffende uttrykte det tidligere i dag. Den såkalte nyhetskanalen viser sitt sanne kulturelle jeg. Dekningen av hendelsen i Roma som de tilfeldigvis må ha fått øye på i internasjonale medier i dag, står i grell kontrast til totaldekningen av vielsen i England forleden.»

På sine nettsider har flere norske aviser tatt med en NTB-melding (Vårt Land har den her ganske komplett), ser er ganske grei. Det eneste jeg ikke har fått med meg er om bønnen inne i kirken ved den salige Johannes pauls kiste var før eller etter messen på Petersplassen. Vårt Land har også mange bilder på sine nettsider.

«Kirken vil trenge 100 år for å vinne tilbake det den tapte på 60- og 70-tallet»

Denne skikkelig tabloide overskrifta viser til en artikkel av William Oddie i dag i the Catholic Herald. Han forsvarer med stor kraft saligkåringa kommende søndag, og sier at pave Johannes Paul II gjorde mye mer enn mange nå ser ut til å huske for å få Kirken på rett kurs igjen. Slik skriver han bl.a.:

We have short memories; we take our recent history too easily for granted. Few people, it seems – at least among those who imply that the problems we still face as a Church were actually Pope John Paul’s fault – remember the state of the Catholic Church at the end of the reign of the unhappy Pope Paul VI, during which forces of disintegration were unleashed within the Church which brought it to the edge of losing all credibility as a defender of basic Christian orthodoxy. …

He was speaking particularly about the liturgy: but just as disastrous was the unchallenged rise during his pontificate of the so-called “alternative magisterium” of Küng, Schillebeeckx and the rest of their malign brood. It was a time of great destruction; and to destroy is always easier than to rebuild. Recovering from the aftermath of the Council will take 100 years. But Pope John Paul began the fightback: he set the barque of Peter, and the Church with it, firmly back on course.

His greatest achievement, as I have already written in this column, was that he did more than any pope of the last century to defend and reassert beyond any doubt the stable and objective character of Catholic teaching. He saw off the alternative magisterium, not by suppressing individuals (though Küng, for instance, had his licence to teach Catholic doctrine removed) but by clear and unequivocal teaching: and as I wrote when the beatification was announced, as a result he made it possible for hundreds of thousands of non-Catholics like myself, tired of the uncertainties of secularised versions of Christianity, to come into full communion with the Holy See. …

Oddie har også med et sitat fra Malcolm Muggeridge som viser tendensen på 70-tallet (og som var nytt for meg). I boka om mor Teresa, «Something Beautiful for God», skriver han bl.a.:

“…that the Church, for inscrutable reasons of its own, has decided to have a reformation just when the previous one – Luther’s – is finally running into the sand.

I make no judgment about something which, as a non-member, is no concern of mine; but if I were a member, then I should be forced to say that, in my opinion, if men were to be stationed at the doors of churches with whips to drive worshippers away, or inside the religious orders specifically to discourage vocations, or among the clergy to spread alarm and despondency, they could not hope to be as effective in achieving these ends as are trends and policies seemingly now dominant within the Church. …»

Ang. pave Johannes Paul IIs saligkåring

Det er sikkert flere enn meg som husker pave Johannes Paul IIs requiemmesse (på bildet over) svært godt – NB i en paves begravelse skal røde messeklær brukes.

Noen har vært kritiske til saligkåringen, og har i dag lagt ut en artikkel som tar opp denne kritikken – og sier at kritikken er grunnløs. Slik skriver de bl.a.:

I et ferskt intervju med CNA tilbakeviser den pavelige biograf og akademiker George Weigel kritikken mot saligkåringen av Johannes Paul II. Weigel er mannen bak Johannes Paul-biografien «Witness to hope» fra 1999. Bind to av den omfattende biografien ble sluppet i 2010 og fullførte mange års arbeid med å sikre livshistorien og arven etter den polske paven.

Undersøkelsene rundt Johannes Paul IIs liv er meget grundige, og resultatet utgjør fire tykke bind, sier Weigel til CNA. Samtidig tilbakeviser han påstandene om at saligkåringsprosessen er gjennomført på en ukritisk og for rask måte. – I Mor Teresas tilfelle tilsidesatte Johannes Paul selv den vanlige femårsperioden mellom en persons død og den offisielle åpningen av saligkåringsprosessen. …

… Ropene fra folkemengden om snarlig helligkåring under Johannes Pauls begravelse – santo subito – ga gjenklang også i det påfølgende konklavet. Dette avslører kardinal Camillo Ruini, daværende leder av Den italienske bispekonferansen. I følge Ruini ble han under konklavet overlevert et opprop fra kardinalene, som oppfordret den neste paven til å tilsidesette femårsregelen for umiddelbart å kunne sette i gang saligkåringsprosessen av Johannes Paul.

Da vi gjorde vår entre inn til konklavet, ble jeg overrakt et brev signert av mange kardinaler som anerkjente folkekravet om å igansette saligkåringsprossessen umiddelbart. Brevet ble gitt til meg siden kardinalene ikke visste hvem som kom til å bli valgt i konklavet, sier Ruini til det italienske nyhetsbyrået AGI. …

John Allen skriver også interessant om det samme spørsmålet: Beatification Q&A #1: What’s the Rush?In death as in life, John Paul a sign of contradiction.

Godt sagt av Ratzinger – om Jesu oppstandelse

Den kristne troen står og faller med sannheten i vitnesbyrdet om Jesu oppstandelse fra de døde. Hvis man fjerner dette, kan man likevel i den kristne tradisjonen utvilsomt finne en rekke bemerkelsesverdige ideer om Gud og mennesket. Men den kristne troen er død. Jesus er i dette tilfellet en mislykket religiøs personlighet; en personlighet som til tross for sitt fall forblir stor, og som kan gi næring til vår refleksjon. Men han forblir i en rent menneskelig dimensjon, og hans autoritet er kun gyldig i den grad hans budskap overbeviser oss. Bare hvis Jesus er stått opp fra de døde er det skjedd noe virkelig nytt, som forandrer verden og menneskets situasjon.
Joseph Ratzinger

Dette sitatet ligger i påsken i år øverst på – viser seg å være sitert noe forkortet og redigert fra siste kapittel i pave Benedikts andre bok om Jesus fra Nasaret.

«I din oppstandelse, Kristus, gleder himmelen og jorden seg»

Her er hele pave Benedikts påsketale (se kilde):

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Rome and across the world, Easter morning brings us news that is ancient yet ever new: Christ is risen! The echo of this event, which issued forth from Jerusalem twenty centuries ago, continues to resound in the Church, deep in whose heart lives the vibrant faith of Mary, Mother of Jesus, the faith of Mary Magdalene and the other women who first discovered the empty tomb, and the faith of Peter and the other Apostles.

Right down to our own time – even in these days of advanced communications technology – the faith of Christians is based on that same news, on the testimony of those sisters and brothers who saw firstly the stone that had been rolled away from the empty tomb and then the mysterious messengers who testified that Jesus, the Crucified, was risen. And then Jesus himself, the Lord and Master, living and tangible, appeared to Mary Magdalene, to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and finally to all eleven, gathered in the Upper Room (cf. Mk 16:9-14).

The resurrection of Christ is not the fruit of speculation or mystical experience: it is an event which, while it surpasses history, nevertheless happens at a precise moment in history and leaves an indelible mark upon it. …

Petersplassen i dag

En av mange rapporter fra Petersplassen i dag skriver bl.a.:

Benedict celebrated Easter Mass in St. Peter’s Square, packed with pilgrims and tourists and awash in the bright colors of spring flowers as he marked the church’s most joyous day of the year. …

.. Christians worldwide on Easter Sunday recall Jesus’ resurrection, a sign of eternal life, following his crucifixion. This year, Easter fell on the same day in the Orthodox and Roman Catholic church calendars.

But while «in heaven, all is peace and gladness,» Benedict said in his message, delivered after the Mass from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, «alas, it is not so on earth.» He lamented that hunger, disease, war and violence still cause suffering in the world.

He prayed for people in the Middle East, «so that the light of peace and of human dignity may overcome the darkness of division, hate and violence.» …

.. By the time the pope delivered his speech, well over 100,000 people had thronged to the area. Resplendent in gold-colored robes, Benedict led the ceremony from an altar set up on the steps of the basilica, under a red canopy to shield him from rain or sun. Skies over the Vatican alternated between clouds and peeks of sun.

The 84-year-old Benedict looked relaxed, although his voice cracked a bit as he intoned prayers during the sung parts of the Mass. His voice had sounded hoarse at times the previous evening, when the pope led a late-night Easter Vigil Mass lit by candles in the basilica. …

Påskevigilien i Peterskirken

Her er starten av pave Benedikts preken fra påskevigilirn i Peterskirken sent i går kveld:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The liturgical celebration of the Easter Vigil makes use of two eloquent signs. First there is the fire that becomes light. As the procession makes its way through the church, shrouded in the darkness of the night, the light of the Paschal Candle becomes a wave of lights, and it speaks to us of Christ as the true morning star that never sets – the Risen Lord in whom light has conquered darkness. The second sign is water. On the one hand, it recalls the waters of the Red Sea, decline and death, the mystery of the Cross. But now it is presented to us as spring water, a life-giving element amid the dryness. Thus it becomes the image of the sacrament of baptism, through which we become sharers in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Yet these great signs of creation, light and water, are not the only constituent elements of the liturgy of the Easter Vigil. Another essential feature is the ample encounter with the words of sacred Scripture that it provides. Before the liturgical reform there were twelve Old Testament readings and two from the New Testament. The New Testament readings have been retained. The number of Old Testament readings has been fixed at seven, but depending upon the local situation, they may be reduced to three. The Church wishes to offer us a panoramic view of whole trajectory of salvation history, starting with creation, passing through the election and the liberation of Israel to the testimony of the prophets by which this entire history is directed ever more clearly towards Jesus Christ. In the liturgical tradition all these readings were called prophecies. Even when they are not directly foretelling future events, they have a prophetic character, they show us the inner foundation and orientation of history. They cause creation and history to become transparent to what is essential. In this way they take us by the hand and lead us towards Christ, they show us the true Light. …

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