Dette kreves av protestanter som ønsker å bli katolske prester
Jeg skrev for et par dager siden om at Troskongregasjonen har sendt et brev til amerikanske biskoper om hva som kreves for en tidligere protestantisk prest som blir katolikk, og også ønsker å bli katolsk prest: Tre års forberdelse og en liste på nesten ti punkter med teoretiske/teologiske og praktiske punkter som må oppfylles, men jeg syns det var få eller ingen overraskelser. Her er kilden min og her følger hele teksten:
Minimum Profile of Formation for Former Protestant Ministers Who Desire to Be Ordained Catholic Priests:
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in its task of assisting the bishops of the church to address the desire of former Protestant ministers who wish to be ordained Catholic priests, has prepared this minimum profile of formation for such candidates to the priesthood.
It is understood that former ministers of Protestant ecclesial communities require particular attention in their formation for Catholic priesthood, particularly as regards those areas of Catholic theology which would be lacking in their previous studies. The bishop, in his care for these candidates, must apply this minimum profile in the light of both the circumstances of the local church and the needs of the candidate (cf. John Paul II, Pastores Dabo Vobis, Ch. 5). The study resources listed, while fundamental, are not exhaustive. …
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