Hvordan skal Vatikankonsilet best forstås?
Jeg leser i kveld at pave Frans har skrevet et brev til erkebiskop Marchetto, der han takker ham for hjelp til å forstå Vatikankonsilet korrekt, og ønsker erkebiskopen lykke til videre med sitt arbeid. Slik skriver paven:
Dear Archbishop Marchetto,
With this letter I want to be present with you and unite myself to the presentation of the book “Primato pontificio ed episcopato. Dal primo millennio al Concilio ecumenico Vaticano II” (Pontifical primacy and the epicopacy: from the first millennium to the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council) Please consider me present in spirit. ….
You have manifested this love in many ways, including correcting an error or imprecise comment on my part – and I thank you for that from my heart – but above all it is manifest in all its purity in the studies on the Second Vatican Council. I once told you, dear Archbishop Marchetto, and today I wish to repeat it, that I consider you to be the best interpreter of the Second Vatican Council. I know that this is a gift from God, but I also know that you made it bear fruit. ….
Jeg har skrevet om erkebiskop Marchettos studier om konsilet flere ganger tidligere, bl.a. siterte jeg i januar 2011 følgende om boka The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council: A Counterpoint for the History of the Council :
This important study by Archbishop Agostino Marchetto makes a significant contribution to the debate that surrounds the interpretation of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. Archbishop Marchetto critiques the Bologna School, which, he suggests, presents the Council as a kind of ‘Copernican revolution’, a transformation to ‘another Catholicism’. Instead Marchetto invites readers to reconsider the Council directly, through its official documents, commentaries, and histories.
Fredag leser jeg også at Zenits italienske sider skriver om dette. Der kalles erkebiskop Marchetto (av paven) «La considero il migliore ermeneuta del Concilio».