
Liturgiske nyheter fra Filippinene

De liturgiske ansvarlige fra alle/mange bispedømmer på Filippinene var nylig samlet i Manilla for å markere 25-årsjubileeet for sin organisasjon – National Meeting of Diocesan Directors of Liturgy (NMDDL). Der vedtok de også en uttalelse som av mange er blitt tolket som et angrep på pave Benedikts liturgiske idealer, og hans motu proprio om den tradisjonelle messen. Slik uttaler de seg:

As we look back with gratitude at what NMDDL has accomplished, we look forward to what remains to be done so that the liturgy will become more vibrantly the source and summit of the Church’s life in the Philippines. Hence, we recommend attention in the future meetings to topics like the following:

1. The Use of the Vernacular. While we respect the option to use Latin and celebrate the Tridentine liturgy, we uphold the use of the vernacular in our parishes and communities and recommend translations that faithfully reflect both the spiritual doctrine of the texts and the linguistic patterns of our vernacular languages.

2. Spirituality of Liturgy. Active participation is one of the many blessings Vatican II has bestowed on our parishes and communities. We wish to remind ourselves, however, that active participation should lead to deeper spiritual encounter with Christ and the Church. Hence our liturgical celebrations should foster the necessary environment of prayer and awe in the presence of the divine mysteries, excluding those expressions that trivialize the sacred celebration.

3. Liturgical Inculturation. The interest in recent times to revive the Tridentine Liturgy should not draw the attention, especially of the Church leaders, from the unfinished agenda of liturgical inculturation. We are of the persuasion that liturgical renewal, as envisioned by the Constitution on Liturgy of Vatican II, entails liturgical inculturation and that our rich cultural heritage has much to offer to make the Roman liturgy truly Filipino. … …

5. Lay Ministers. Our parishes and communities are blessed with numerous and worthy lay liturgical ministers. However, some dioceses in the Philippines still reserve to male persons ministries like serving at the altar and leading Sunday celebrations in the absence of a priest. We believe that we should encourage the ministry of women where it is allowed by universal law. ….

Onsdagsaudiensen: Om besøket i Storbritannia

Som vanlig snakket pave Benedikt om sin siste reise på første onsdagsaudiens etter at var tilbake i Roma, og om besøket i Storbritannia sa han følgende:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Today I would like to speak about my apostolic journey to the United Kingdom, which God enabled me to carry out over the past few days. It was an official visit and, at the same time, a pilgrimage to the heart of the history and the present of a people rich in culture and faith, as the British are. It was a historic event, which marked a new important phase in the long and complex history of relations between those peoples and the Holy See.

The main objective of the visit was to beatify Cardinal John Henry Newman, one of the greatest Englishmen of recent times, an outstanding theologian and man of the Church. In fact, the beatification ceremony represented the climax of my apostolic journey, the theme of which was inspired in the motto of Blessed Newman’s cardinal insignia: «Heart Speaks Unto Heart.» And in the four intense and very beautiful days spent in that noble land, I had the great joy of speaking to the heart of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom, and they spoke to mine, especially with their presence and the testimony of their faith. I was able to see how the Christian heritage is still strong and also active in all strata of social life. …

Les resten her.

Reaksjoner etter pavens besøk i Storbritannia – på engelsk

Fra Catholic Herald har jeg tatt med noen reaksjoner etter pave Benedikts besøk – det legges stor vekt på pavens tale om religionens plass i samfunnet i Westminster Hall:

There were two high points – from the perspective of the state visit the event in Westminster Hall was memorable for the depth of the Holy Father’s insight and for the warmth of the reception from the British parliamentarians present.

This was a great compliment to Britain in its ability to welcome a religious voice on to the public stage. The Prime Minister’s words at the airport confirmed how his words had struck a chord.

Secondly from the pastoral point of view the beatification of Cardinal Newman has brought to the attention of many people a great Englishman whose memory will now be celebrated in new ways.

Finally the sheer volume of people on the streets both in Edinburgh and London meant that more than half a million people saw the Pope in person and this demonstration of public support has deeply touched the Holy Father and the entire delegation from the Holy See.

En engelsk katolsk biskop sa.

“A television interviewer said to me on Sunday ‘You look absolutely radiant’. And that’s been my reaction to four incredible days, which really couldn’t have gone better.”

Om hvorfor tonen i media snudde nokså tidlig (i pavens favør):

I suspect the Pope’s gentle manner and even his very evident physical frailty really did play a part in a reversal of rhetoric by what one might describe as the anti-clerical press. When someone is conjured up as a monster (or “a leering old villain in a frock”, as Richard Dawkins put it) and emerges as a modest scholarly figure visibly ill at ease with the political bombast of a state visit, the opinion-formers sense that their readers will want a more gentle tone.

Reaksjoner etter pavens besøk i Storbritannia – på norsk

Andreas Dingstad skriver om pavebesøket i Storbritannia; en svært positiv oppsummering av det som skjedde, men så gikk det jo også veldig bra. Han lagt lagt ut sin innlegg på egen blogg og på (Reaksjonene på Verdidebatt må man si er groteske, og jeg lurer fortsatt på når Vårt Land vil gjøre noe med debattene på dette forumet som bør være svært viktig for dem.) Her er starten av Andreas’ oppsummering:

Pave Benedikt har akkurat gjennomført sin kanskje vanskeligste utenlandsreise så langt – og det med glans.

Politiet rapporterer om over 200 000 mennesker i Londons gater lørdag. I Hyde Park senere på kvelden var over 80 000 tilstede under bønnevigilien. Demonstrantene talte mellom 7 – 10 000. Demonstrasjonene i Skottland skal ha blitt avlyst grunnet manglende interesse, mens i Edinburgh møtte mellom 60-80 personer opp – ledet av den ekstreme protestanten Ian Paisley.

Den fryktede fiendtlige mottakelsen og de massive motdemonstrasjonene har altså uteblitt. I stedet har verden vært vitne til en fire dager lang fest, noe som må ha vært et aldri så lite sjokk for den liberale medie-eliten. Tilbakemeldingen fra folk på nettet handler om gleden over den store bredden i oppmøtet – inkludert alle barna og ungdommene som tok imot paven med åpne armer. ….

Pave Benedikt overvant motstanden

The daily Mail skriver i dag tidlig at pave Benedikts beøk i Skottland og England var svært vellykket, og at de som ønsket å protestere mot paven gradvis kom i bakgrunnen i løpet av besøket:

The Pope flew home last night after a triumphant four-day state visit, declaring that Britons have a thirst for Christianity. …

His speech was the culmination of a tour aimed at re-evangelising a country he believes has slipped away from its Christian roots.

The popularity of his visit confounded opponents who predicted thin congregations and empty parks. Benedict’s speeches and homilies – which have confronted his own Nazi past – appear to have overshadowed the views of protesters, led by Stephen Fry and gay rights activist Peter Tatchell.

The Pope, in an address at Oscott College in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, said it had become clear ‘how deep a thirst there is among the British people for Christianity’.

He told his audience of Roman Catholic bishops: ‘You have been chosen by God to offer them the living water of the Gospel, encouraging them to place their hopes, not in the vain enticements of this world, but in the firm assurances of the next.’ … …

Les gjerne hele artikkelen – den har også mange bilder fra besøket.

Pavens preken ved saligkåringsmessen i dag

Cardinal John Henry Newman er nå offisielt erklært salig, og i dagens saligkåringsmesse sa pave Benedikt bl.a.:

While it is John Henry Newman’s intellectual legacy that has understandably received most attention in the vast literature devoted to his life and work, I prefer on this occasion to conclude with a brief reflection on his life as a priest, a pastor of souls. The warmth and humanity underlying his appreciation of the pastoral ministry is beautifully expressed in another of his famous sermons: «Had Angels been your priests, my brethren, they could not have condoled with you, sympathized with you, have had compassion on you, felt tenderly for you, and made allowances for you, as we can; they could not have been your patterns and guides, and have led you on from your old selves into a new life, as they can who come from the midst of you». He lived out that profoundly human vision of priestly ministry in his devoted care for the people of Birmingham during the years that he spent at the Oratory he founded, visiting the sick and the poor, comforting the bereaved, caring for those in prison. …

The definite service to which Blessed John Henry was called involved applying his keen intellect and his prolific pen to many of the most pressing «subjects of the day». His insights into the relationship between faith and reason, into the vital place of revealed religion in civilized society, and into the need for a broadly-based and wide-ranging approach to education were not only of profound importance for Victorian England, but continue today to inspire and enlighten many all over the world. … …

Les hele prekenen her.

Mer fra Westminster Cathedral

Vi legger merke til (ved hjelp av Damian Thompson) at pavemessene i 1982 og i år er ganske forskjellige. Vi ser at det ekstra bordalteret nå er borte, og at det store høyalteret brukes (det var helt skjult i 1982), selv om messen fortsatt feires versus populum.

Om man ønsker å se videoer av hele messen, kan man gå hit.

Hele pave Benedikts preken denne lørdagen finner man her – og han startet prekenen slik:

Dear friends in Christ,

I greet all of you with the joy in the Lord and I thank you for your warm reception. … Truly, in this meeting of the Successor of Peter and the faithful of Britain, “heart speaks unto heart” as we rejoice in the love of Christ and in our common profession of the Catholic faith which comes to us from the Apostles. I am especially happy that our meeting takes place in this Cathedral dedicated to the Most Precious Blood, which is the sign of God’s redemptive mercy poured out upon the world through the passion, death and resurrection of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. …

The visitor to this Cathedral cannot fail to be struck by the great crucifix dominating the nave, which portrays Christ’s body, crushed by suffering, overwhelmed by sorrow, the innocent victim whose death has reconciled us with the Father and given us a share in the very life of God. The Lord’s outstretched arms seem to embrace this entire church, lifting up to the Father all the ranks of the faithful who gather around the altar of the Eucharistic sacrifice and share in its fruits. The crucified Lord stands above and before us as the source of our life and salvation, “the high priest of the good things to come”, as the author of the Letter to the Hebrews calls him in today’s first reading (Heb 9:11). ….

Messen i Westminster Cathedral i formiddag

Fr. Finigan skriver grundig om pave Benedikts messe i Westminster Cathedral, den katolske hovedkirken i England (og mange av oss har sikkert vært der):

Westminster Cathedral has one of the finest choirs in England and it was a fitting reward for their dedication that this morning they were seen and heard throughout the world providing the music for the Votive Mass of the Precious Blood celebrated by Pope Benedict. The backbone of the music was Byrd’s Mass for five voices which was sung impeccably with great depth and character. Credo III was sung antiphonally, providing a stirring contrast between the purity of the voices in the choir and the enthusiastic participation of the congregation. The offertory motet was Bruckner’s Christus Factus est, and Hassler’s O sacrum convivium was sung at Holy Communion, in addition to the proper communion chant and the hymn O bread of heaven.

The Mass was celebrated versus populum at the High Altar. The big six candlesticks were used in their normal place on the marble platform behind the altar. There was an additional crucifix placed upon the altar itself. As with all of the public Masses of the visit, the Preface and Eucharistic Prayer were said in Latin (today, the Roman Canon was used.) As is customary at Pope Benedict’s Masses, there was an extended time of silence both after the sermon and after Holy Communion. …

Pave Benedikt i Westminster Hall i London

I sin tale i dag (om religionens plass i samfunnet) i Westminster Hall med flere politiske ledere (Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, and former prime minister Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Sir John Major and Baroness Thatcher) og mange anglikanske og katolske bisoper, sa pave Benedikt bl.a.:

Pope Benedict XVI warned of the «marginalisation» of Christianity during an address to dignitaries in Westminster Hall. Speaking as part of his visit to the UK he called on those in attendance to seek ways to promote faith «at every level of national life».

The Pope said: «I cannot but voice my concern at the increasing marginalisation of religion, particularly of Christianity, that is taking place in some quarters, even in nations which place a great emphasis on tolerance.

«There are those who would advocate that the voice of religion be silenced, or at least relegated to the purely private sphere. «There are those who argue that the public celebration of festivals such as Christmas should be discouraged, in the questionable belief that it might somehow offend those of other religions or none.»

Hele talen kan høres (og sees) her.

Pave Benedikt snakker om kardinal Newman

På flyet på vei til Edinburgh i går fikk pave Benedikt også et spørsmål om kardinal Newman, som han svarte på svært klart og utfyllende – og viste oss hvordan Newman er en viktig person for vår tid:

Q. – Your Holiness, the figure of Cardinal Newman is obviously very significant: you have made an acception for Cardinal Newman to preside over the beatification. Do you think that his memory will help to overcome divisions between Anglicans and Catholics? What are the aspects of his personality which you would like to give stronger emphasis to?

A. – Cardinal Newman is mainly, on the one hand, a modern man, who took on all of the problems of modernity, he experienced the problem of agnosticism, the impossibility of knowing God, of believing; a man who throughout his life was on a journey, a journey to let himself be transformed by the truth, in a search of great sincerity and great willingness, to learn more, to find and to accept the path to true life. This modernity of his inner-being and life points to the modernity of his faith: it is not a faith in the formulas of a bygone age, it is a most personal form of faith, lived, suffered, found through a long process of renewal and conversion.

He is a man of great culture who on the one hand participates in our sceptical culture of today, in the question: “Can we understand something certain about the truth of man, of the human being, or not? And how can we arrive at the convergence of the verisimilitude? “. A man who, on the other hand, with a great knowledge of the culture of the Church Fathers, he studied and renewed the internal genesis of the faith, thus acknowledging his figure and his inner constitution, he is a man of great spirituality, a great humanism, a man of prayer, of a deep relationship with God and a relationship with himself, and therefore also of a deep relationship with the other men of his and our time.

So I would say these three elements: the modernity of his existence, with all the doubts and problems of our existence today, his great culture, knowledge of the great cultural treasures of mankind, his constant quest for the truth, continuous renewal and spirituality: spiritual life, life with God, give this man an exceptional greatness for our time. Therefore, it is a figure of Doctor of the Church for us, for all and also a bridge between Anglicans and Catholics.

Her kan man lese alt som ble sagt uden pressekonferansen på flyet.

En flott første dag i Skottland

Fr. Finigan skriver begeistret om den første dagen av pave Benedikts besøk:

At the end of a long day, it is a great pleasure to look back over the glorious success of the first stage of the visit of the Holy Father to Britain. I was premature in thinking that the negative coverage would cease last night. It continued well on into the morning but the tide has now turned. 125,000 Scots turned out to cheer and wave flags as the Holy Father drove along Princes Street in Edinburgh. (In the interests of balance, I should note that there were about 60 protesters.) There were another 70,000 at the Mass at Bellahouston Park, near Glasgow. They had to get there early so must be counted in addition to those lining the streets of Edinburgh. ….

A Vatican insider to whom I spoke last week was nervous about the visit (and particularly about the lack of enthusiasm of some Catholics who should know better.) He said to me that the first day would be crucial. I agree with him – and thankfully the first day has been a roaring success.

I did make some negative comments about some aspects of the liturgy at Bellahouston Park. These need to be kept in perspective. Whilst it is right to push for a better celebration of the Sacred Liturgy, we should not lose sight of the tremendous success of today: and you are in for a rare liturgical treat at the Papal Mass at Westminster on Saturday morning. The arrangements for that are superb and will stand as a model for the celebration of the usus recentior. ….

Han skriver også om at den tyske paven (som hadde blitt tvangsinnmeldt i Hitler Jugens i ungdommen, og sendt ut som soldat mot slutten av krigen) som takker Storbritannia for å ha stått imot nazismen:

Earlier today, we witnessed the extraordinary spectacle of a German who had been dragooned into the Hitler Youth and then conscripted into the army, visit Britain as Pope, and praise our country for standing up to Nazism.

He also spoke of how atheist extremists give us sobering lessons and how the exclusion of God from public life adversely affects how we view the human person. Yes, the Pope is indeed a Catholic. Here is the relevant text:

«Even in our own lifetime, we can recall how Britain and her leaders stood against a Nazi tyranny that wished to eradicate God from society and denied our common humanity to many, especially the Jews, who were thought unfit to live. I also recall the regime’s attitude to Christian pastors and religious who spoke the truth in love, opposed the Nazis and paid for that opposition with their lives. As we reflect on the sobering lessons of the atheist extremism of the 20th century, let us never forget how the exclusion of God, religion and virtue from public life leads ultimately to a truncated vision of man and of society and thus to a ‘reductive vision of the person and his destiny’ (Caritas in Veritate, 29).»

Aftenposten: «Paven advarer unge briter mot fristelser»

Slik skriver Aftenposten om pave Benedikts første dag i Storbritannia:

Kampen mot det han tidligere på dagen kalte en «aggressiv verdslighet» ser ut til å bli et viktig tema under pavens fire dager lange besøk i Storbritannia.

Det er mange fristelser som kommer i deres vei hver dag: narkotika, penger, sex, pornografi, alkohol, som verden sier vil gi dere lykke, men som er ødeleggende og splittende, sa paven under messen i Bellahouston Park i Glasgow. Han advarte også mot det han mener er en tendens til å utelukke religiøs tro fra den offentlige debatten.

Ifølge nyhetsbyrået DPA var det 65.000 mennesker til stede. ….

Dronning Elizabeth og hennes mann, hertugen av Edinburgh, var på plass for å hilse paven velkommen da han kom ut av Alitalia-flyet i Edinburgh.

Det er andre gang siden Henrik VIII brøt med pavekirken og dannet den anglikanske kirke i 1534 at en katolsk pave besøker Storbritannia. Benedikts forgjenger Johannes Paul var på besøk i 1982. Det var imidlertid ikke et statsbesøk, men i regi av Kirken. Denne gangen brukes det millioner av britiske skattepenger på besøket.

Paven må trå en fin balanse i England og Skottland etter at han i fjor tilbød å gjøre det lettere for anglikanere å konvertere, selv om de er uenige i kirkens syn på kvinnelige og homofile prester. …

Pave Benedikt til Edinburgh i dag

Jeg leser mye om det, men har ikke tenkt å skrive så mye selv om pave Benedikts besøk i Skottland og England. Les gjerne hva Luke Coppen skriver, og har også sin egen dekning av besøket.

Bildet over er tatt fra BBC, som også skriver om besøket bl.a.:

Papal visit: Pope to begin historic UK trip
The first state visit by a Pope to the UK gets under way later when Benedict XVI flies into Edinburgh. He will meet the Queen at Holyrood House and parade through the city before an open-air Mass in Glasgow. Tens of thousands of people are set to line the streets to greet him, although some protests are also planned.

… The visit is the first to the UK by a Pontiff since John Paul II in 1982. Vatican officials say Pope Benedict will highlight the importance of the role of faith for everyone in contemporary Britain, not just Catholics and Anglicans.

Tre år siden pave Benedikts SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM trådte i kraft

– datoen er 14. september og jeg feirer jubileet med en missa cantata denne tirsdagskvelden.

Så langt er det ikke mange som har gjort seg kjent med denne gamle og ærverdige messen, men den har i alle fall beriket mitt eget (preste)liv, og har også påvirket måten jeg feirer messens nye form svært mye.

Om leserne ønsker det, kan de lese det jeg skrev om dette jubileeet for ett år siden, for to år siden, og for tre år siden HER og HER.

Jeg har også lurt en del på hvorfor jeg i 2007 begynte å interessere meg for denne tradisjonelle måten å feire messen på – uten å ha kommet fram til noe endelig svar. Allerede vinteren 2007 hadde jeg begynt å feire (den nye) messen på latin, mens jeg årene før ikke hadde vist noen interesse for det. Muligens kan det forklares med at jeg hadde kommet til en ny menighet, og der reagerte jeg ganske negativt på flere ting det var forventet at jeg skulle gjøre under feiringen av messen (det verste var at jeg burde la ministrantene purifisere kalk og patena etter kommunion).

Muligens fikk disse opplevelsene meg til å tenke over messefeiringen noe grundigere, så da pave Benedikt sommeren 2007 offentliggjorde at han ville la den tradisjonelle latinske messen brukes friere enn på mange år, var jeg helt fra starten av interessert i dette – og tre måneder etter 14. september 2007 feiret jeg min første TLM, godt hjulpet av tre flinke ministranter.

Britisk journalist fikk et nytt syn på pave Benedikt

En britisk journalist, Mark Dowd , brukte flere hundre timer på å foreberede et program om pave Benedikt, nå før besøket i England og Skottland. I prosessen har han fått et nytt syn på paven (lese hele artikkelen her):

The making of this film has been something of a voyage of discovery for me. I can’t be the only Catholic in the world who had major apprehensions on April 19 2005 as the conclave made its decisive choice to elect the first German pope since the 11th century (I don’t count Adrian VI, born in Utrecht in 1459, part of the Holy Roman Empire). I was worried about whether the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith might be just a little too polarising. I am no expert of conclave arithmetic, but my hunch was that he simply had too many doubters inside the College of Cardinals to get the required votes. Wrong. And I have been wrong about him, too. It is not that he has changed radically since taking up the papacy; it is simply that when you have to make a one-hour programme on one of the most clever and gifted people on the planet you have to look behind the headlines and the angry rants on the blogosphere. In short, you have to do justice to the man as best as you can.

Something similar is going on with Pope Benedict at the moment as has been occurring with John Henry Newman in recent months. Recognising the brilliant intellectual acumen of an individual often leads to wings, sections of the Church, staking their claim. They want to possess them as “their own”. I can understand why. But there are occasionally rare moments when these drives towards colonising the output of a gifted mind simply fail on account of the sheer dynamism and multi-facetedness of the individual concerned. So Pope Benedict’s uncompromising language on homosexuality, his disciplining of liberation theologians and 2007 Motu Proprio on the Old Rite of the Roman liturgy all have conservatives ticking their boxes and approving. But how then to deal with some rather contradictory evidence, not least of all his championing of workers’ rights in Caritas in Veritate and his uncompromising critique of neo-liberal economics?:

“I would like to remind everyone, especially everyone engaged in boosting the world’s economic and social assets, that the primary capital to be safeguarded and valued is man, the human person in his or her integrity” …

But the real delight for me has been in engaging with the writings of this 83-year-old man. The encyclicals have been given deserved space and attention. Yet you have to go back to 1968 for his classic, Introduction to Christianity, a work in which it becomes abundantly clear that, for this gentle and determined Bavarian, that man does not create his own truth through effort and endeavour, but, as he writes: “To believe as a Christian means in fact entrusting oneself to the meaning that upholds me and the world, taking it as the firm ground on which I can stand fearlessly… to believe as a Christian means understanding our existence as a response to the word, the logos, that upholds and maintains all things.” ….

… The predictions of an inflexible Vicar of Rome, “God’s Rottweiler”, in 2005 have been misplaced. Many of us got it wrong and I am happy to say so unambiguously. ….

Pave Benedikts besøk i England og Skottland

Pave Benedikt kommer til England og Skottland i midten av september, og det har vært mye skriverier om besøket de siste månedene. har en egen side med informasjon, Damian Thompson har vært svært kritisk til planlegginga, videoen over (fra Rome Reports) er svært positiv, det fins et eget nettsted for besøket, og innlegget under lurer på om katolikker virkelig vil slutte opp om besøket:

Francis Campbell, the British Ambassador to the Holy See, spoke to the US Catholic News Service this week about the Pope’s trip. Talking about hostility in the media, he mentioned that he preferred antagonism to indifference, “because it means you’re relevant”.

The media, certainly, are not indifferent to the Pope’s trip. But are Catholics? Rumours suggest that the Mass at Cofton Park and the vigil in Hyde Park are actually undersubscribed, and that the Church is struggling to fill the space.

Some say a lack of interest was spread by the papal visit organisers when they announced that not everyone could see the Pope and that most people would have to watch him on television. Others argue that Pope Benedict XVI is not as popular among English Catholics as John Paul II was.

Still others add that Cardinal Newman does not have a broad appeal among Catholics; he is known as a brilliant writer, but few people have read his books.

On the other hand, when Pope Benedict XVI arrives in Britain, his goodness and gentleness will be evident for all to see. Many Catholics love Pope Benedict, and their voice certainly has not been heard in the run-up to his visit. ….

Pave Benedikts studenter vil studere gjennomføringen av Vatikankonsilets vedtak

Professor Ratzingers ca 40 tidligere doktorgradsstudenter samles hvert år sammen med sin tidligere professor (nå pave) for å samtale om et viktig tema. I år valgte pave Benedikt å invitere den nye lederen av vatikanets enhetsråd, erkebiskop Kurt Koch, til å forelese om «Vatican II Between Tradition and Innovation» og om «Sacrosanctum concilium and the reform of the liturgy.»

Les mer om dette hos

Pave Benedikt skal feire messen på latin i England i september

Fra the Tablet hører vi at pavemessene i England og Skottland i stor grad skal feires på latin, dvs. den eukaristiske bønn først og fremst – og at dette skjer etter påtrykk fra Vatikanet:

Significant parts of Masses celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI during his trip to Britain in September will be said in Latin. The Eucharistic prayer of the Mass will be said or sung in Latin by the Pope at the liturgies at Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, and at the beatification of Cardinal Newman in Cofton Park, Birmingham. Congregations will respond to the dialogue preface in Latin and the consecration will be said in Latin. It is believed the Mass at Westminster Cathedral will follow a similar pattern. Mgr Paul Conroy, General Secretary of the Bishops’ Conference in Scotland and part of the planning team for the liturgy, said that the decision was a requirement of the Vatican. “This helps to show the universality of the liturgy and helps Catholics from various different countries, who may be listening on the radio or watching on television, to follow the Mass,” he said.

Siste onsdagsaudiens på Petersplassen i går

I går var det siste onsdagsaudiens på Petersplassen (rettere sagt; i Paul VIs auditorium i Vatikanet) før pave Benedikts sommeropphold på Castel Gandolfo.

Fra RomeReports:

Benedict XVI dedicated his general audience to the Franciscan theologian Blessed John Duns Scotus. Much of his work attempts to reconcile classical philosophy with medieval Christianity. The pope pointed to three ideas for which Duns Scotus is best known: That the Incarnation was part of God’s original plan of creation; that Mary’s preservation from original sin was granted in view of Jesus’ redemptive passion and death; and for his ideas on human freedom and its relationship with will and intellect.

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